vendredi 24 mars 2023

New day, new finds.

Hello Friends,
Today was a busy day driving outside.
I had two appointments one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Lots of kilometres , I hope to have enough petrol for next week as there still have problems due to the big strikes!
This afternoon we are having wind and heavy showers it was not easy to drive.
As I was obliged to go out I did some shopping to make some new DIY next week.
I got these flowers, a Birthday card for Maxime.
Some eggs to decorate for Easter

Some funny stamps
A table cloth
(Source: ZZZOe)

And some more wool 

Easter candle holders

 This is what I got today. I will use them next week. Tommy Bandit is going to the vet for his vaccinations 

Before going soon to the kennel.

He does not like to go there and leave us but no dogs allowed where we are going!
I hope you enjoy your weekend!

A patient gave us 1 kg chocolate ! Happy weekend…

6 commentaires:

  1. it looks like your shopping trip was well rewarded!! your dog is adorable, he looks like he has a very cute personality!! we are having heavy rain today and it is forecasted for tomorrow as well!!

  2. It looks like you are well stocked wit crafty things and are ready for a good time. Just not for doggie.
    I'll get out mt Easter/Spring decorations this weekend.

  3. You had some good finds! The yarn is pretty. Bandit is so cute!

  4. Lovely Easter decorations and a cute birthday card for Maxime.
    That is quite a lot of chocolate. Do you have a sweet tooth?

  5. After a rainy night I am drinking my morning coffee. I like your flowers, Bandit and the chocolate. Do you like it? Have a nice weekend.

  6. Love all that you bought! Lovely flowers and yarn!
    Bandit is adorable!


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