mercredi 15 mars 2023

After the wind…

Hello friends,

We had three days wind storm and I went to the garden to see if there was damages. One tile on the roof fall and some flowers have some damage too.
Today, it is calm, Nono the robot is mowing the lawn quietly it is 11 degrees and the sun was shining today.
I stayed inside the rest of the time and cooked carrot 🥕 soup, I cooked some pears 🍐 and I think I will make a little crumble. This afternoon I worked on my felted wool Bunnies, I found it difficult and very long to make… I have three of them to make 😆!
Tomorrow I will try to go to the post office to get a box to send my grandson, son and daughter-in-law Birthday presents 🎁 

Last year my favourite tree had big problems because of the very hot and dry Summer, I had to nurse him and he is still there blooming.

 I will work on the Bunnies tomorrow and hope to finish one!

3 commentaires:

  1. I'm glad that there was no major damage to your garden. Today is also windy here, and now it's 5.8 degrees.
    Today is a holiday in Hungary, I cooked in the morning and read in the afternoon. I am spending the day at home.
    I hope you will finish the three bunnies tomorrow. I would like to see them in one of your posts. I look forward to them.
    The photos are nice as always.
    Hugs. Éva

  2. Your climate is much like ours here in the Seattle area. Signs of spring are everywhere, but the weather is still prone to storms and it's still very chilly. Spring is a volatile, slow season.
    I am quite restricted in what I can do and spend a lot of time in my recliner chair. Sleep at night is hard. But just as spring will come, this too will pass.

  3. It's looking so beautiful there, but I'm sorry about the wind damage. Good luck with those bunnies!


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!