vendredi 31 mars 2023

A difficult weather !

I have been baking for the weekend a “Flan Pâtissier”
It’s vanilla flavoured.

It is drying.

(Source: ZZZOe)

 Hello Friends 

This morning I have to look at the house and  trees to see if there are damages as last night  at 1.46 I was awakened by a strong noise of wind over the house. The wind was blowing doing cercles and I recognised the sound of a cyclone as we had our first strong one in 1999.

It lasted 15 minutes and then a big silence!

I was really scared to know if the roof will be ok.

We live in a house from the 70’s with thick heavy walls and a heavy frame work, it has not been damaged in 1999 , but the winds are going to be stronger now.

At this time we were just the night after Xmas and we had 160 km/h wind, our forest have been devastated and we had many damages and power cut for one week. No heating for one week in December, it was freezing. At this time we had two cyclones at the same time and you could easily hear both violently turning above the house.

I wish not to have one when we go to the tiny house!

In 1999 I could not sleep and watched by a small window and I saw the garden shed going up in the air and violently coming down this is the only damage we had. Imagine in a tiny house! And we will be by the sea

Where the winds are stronger! Well if we had one now there are less chances to have one next month!( I hope 😆)

We were in orange zone yesterday with high wind and submersion alert on the coast, it is more and more frequent. I just heard on the radio this morning that it will continue today!

All the garden flowers will be spoiled by the rain and wind. We have a big branch of the weeping willow on the ground  and I did not see the back yard yet.

This makes me think of the children story of the”three little pigs”  the wolf blowing so strongly that the straw house of the first one was destroyed, the second wood one was destroyed too except the third one which was built in  bricks 🧱 do you know or remember this story? I will stay inside all day. Bandit will take his tablet against his Spring grass allergy and will be quiet all day.

By the way, they have repaired the problem with internet yesterday. Tv programs are back!

I am working on my shabby suitcase and I have got another one to work on.

I wish you a nice week end.

4 commentaires:

  1. Since I'm new here, I don't know about your move to a tiny house by the sea,,,could you re-tell that story?
    Glad you weren't harmed in the storm!

  2. I will think of you at Easter, I hope you will have a good time in the tiny house without storm. I look forward to your report and pictures.


  3. How terribly frightening to experience such strong winds. I hope you stay safe and have no damage.
    The flan looks wonderful.

  4. A violent storm such as you experienced would be very frightening. Hopefully, your time by the sea in the tiny house will be calm and pleasant.


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