vendredi 31 janvier 2025

The weekend.

( source: ZZZOe)

Translation:” it is not possible, it must be my collar!”
( taken from the net)

 I went out to get my groceries, nothing to eat left in the fridge! But I have been soaked! Dreadful weather again!!I made myself a healthy plate and orange and grapefruit juice 🥤. One of my new year good resolutions was too loose weight! It is on his way, slowly…

. On our news they say that tomorrow the weather will improve, but nobody believes it!
There are more and more floodings.
I wish to go out a little this weekend with a better weather.
Not much happening here for the moment.
I wish you a nice weekend!

jeudi 30 janvier 2025

We need sun 🌞 !

 ( from the net)

Hello Friends,

 The latest storm was much more on our coast than here, but it is still raining a lot and the flooding will be increasing in some part of Normandy and Brittany unfortunately. We must wait until Saturday for a dry weather and a little bit of  sun ☀️ 

The children and grandchildren  having left beginning of January, I have got William’s clothes to donate ( he is growing so fast and they won’t come back before July)
Next week I will meet the young mother I have already given some baby clothes to give her some new ones and she invited me for coffee.☕️ Nice to meet new people!

It’s been boring to stay inside, so yesterday I began to declutter the cooking books. My husband took them for his waiting room so that people can take them home.

I am really impatient to be able to go out this weekend and breeze some fresh air without the pouring rain! 🌧️ 

Even Bandit doesn’t want To go out and stays in bed all morning!
But we are safe of the floodings and thinking of those people who have lost everything…

mardi 28 janvier 2025

A scary day!

I told you my son was in London for his work during the week and last night I had a Skype with him while he was walking back to his hotel. He walk from Big Ben to London Bridge his hotel being close to the city.

So we chat during this long walk and I was happy to see London by night again! Saint Paul’s Cathedral .

He also went to some museum such as natural history museum.

British museum
His pane has had problems to land, because of the storm.
I just had a notice on my phone ( first time) to inform me that a new storm is arriving this afternoon, it is a bit scary!


Normandy and Brittany are more and more flooded, some houses have 2 meters water inside and must evacuate.

Unfortunately it is still raining. I will stay safe at home ( I hope to be safe)

lundi 27 janvier 2025

The wind and the rain!🌧️

Flooding in Normandy.

( source: Edith Holden’s book)

It soon will be February and the hope of a dry Spring!

Today, we have a glimpse of Sun! We had only a few hours Sun since the beginning of of the year and even since October… we are having another storm, flooding an and thunderstorm.

This Monday is going to be to be very calm one ! as we say: “Little Monday , big week”!

On Saturday Grandpa was brave and took his dog for a walk, but… he forgot that with all that rain there was MUD! He decided to walk in a field lane and .. slided in the mud!

So, Grandma had to wash his trousers, coat and the dog coat as well.

Then, I had Maxime on Skype and he took grandma on the balcony ( the phone becomes grandma) and I follow him in the flat!we had a conversation together and he  told me that  he has been very surprised to have so much cold when he came for Christmas and did not like to wear a coat and hat on his head, he much better play in Burj park under the sun!

I also spoke to William. His mother sat him in the laundry basket 🧺 but Maxime was jealous, and wanted attention so he suddenly kicked into the basket to overturned the basket! The poor William had no harm but was 😟 scared 

Some streets in Brittany!
We have some problems also in Normandy . We would like to go away fora weekend, but the weather is not safe enough at the moment.
The picture is a street in Brittany.
I hope the wind and rain stops during the week, it’s been quite long! Staying safe inside!

dimanche 26 janvier 2025

An invitation.

Today, Sunday our daughter decided to to invite us for lunch instead of coming to our home. This is our cook!

They have been in their house for about four years and last year had a new brand kitchen installed that is modern and easy to use.

We had a nice lunch together. ( I painted the place mats on slates  a long time ago)
And then had a chat and look at their holiday itinerary 

Of their travel through Europe .

They have one cat « Chatchou » but one of there neighbours ‘ cat is mostly living with them. Their cat can come and go in the house, so « Luidji »  decided to do the same! Eat, play and sleep there!

 We had a nice winter day with our daughter and SIL.

Our son is in London for his work during the week.
I hope you’ll enjoy this new week, take care.

vendredi 24 janvier 2025

What to do when there is another storm…

( source:ZZZOe)

(Source Happyliving)

 Hello friends,
Today, we’re having another storm and rain ☔️!
We should have been to Honfleur( for those who don’t know  the place it’s a very special  fishing village on the coast in Normandy) tomorrow, but an umbrella with the wind is a bit risky… so we give up the idea. Since October we had about 4 or 5 storms, so we are living inside most of the  time.
This is the tourist office link if you want to see what it looks like.
During all the month of January, we have the “galette”
Mage kings arrival after Christmas. We eat a special round cake with a   King bean pancake  (which was a bean 🫘 in the past ) and now a porcelain one like the little cakes on my picture. These ones are beautiful coming from a famous pastry in Rouen, so is the crown.👑 
When you find the “fève” you become the king or the queen and must buy another “galette” (cake ) and put the crown on your head!

I continue my practice, before trying some small landscapes.
This morning I went through a lot of “Country Living” magazines to continue my country travel book for my daughter.

Our daughter is coming to have lunch on Sunday, so we can talk about her tour of Europe in May, it will be a very interesting day.
I wish you a quiet weekend!

jeudi 23 janvier 2025

Practicing week!

I must still work on it today and finish it.

(The next one October)

 Yesterday afternoon, I made a low fat, low sugar rice pudding 🍮 !  But I have been drawing a nice 😊 cake!

 I am working on on it, it is a December 🎂. One of my Ducht magazine ( Daphne’s diary) has each month a calendar which uses watercolour cakes watercolour. The next one will be October.
Still practicing !
This morning I tried to make some perfume, but it’s quite complicated and I think I need the course in Rouen!

mercredi 22 janvier 2025


This is the cover of my travel book through Great Britain 🇬🇧 for my daughter.
This is the beginning of of the book, exploring beautiful wild part of the country for hiking.

When I was a student and stayed in United Kingdom 
I traveled from Land’s end to Ullapool, Thurso, the Hebrides and Orkney islands and i enjoyed all the beautiful landscapes. I was staying in Cotswolds which is also a beautiful place.
I also went to Wales. 
 With my family we stayed in a farm in Cornwall when the children were little. 
It was not easy for me to drive on the left with our French car, so when I went to Scotland I hired a car and it was much easier for me to drive through the narrow roads.

 Then when my son was 18 we went together travelling through the Highlands before he left home for University in Paris.

Younger and thinner ! 😂 
Waiting to embark on the boat to the Loch Ness!

Now I am waiting for a parcel to arrive.
I ordered the shelf that goes with all the bottles my son gifted me for Christmas. I discovered that in Rouen there is a place where you can learn how to mix the different drops to make you own perfume , I think I’ll go and take a course before I use mine as it seems quite difficult.
Today, it is grey and back to rain and it is very noisy as the neighbours are baby their big trees trimmed, two days noise! But things must be done and soon it will be our turn!

I received my shelf and I have put the perfume scent on it
It is quite small and arrived well packed in two boxes from Paris. I will have to read and take a course before before I can make a single perfume! I have other bottles and tools upstairs. 

Nice weather and a little outing.

This morning, the weather was fine, blue sky and sun 🌞  We had an appointment with a company to get our trees trimmed and it should take pl...