dimanche 31 décembre 2023

The New Year is coming…

(Source: ZZZOe)

 Hello Friends !

Here, in early morning the wind is blowing and the rain is pouring ! But it is the last day of the year and hopefully the weather will be much nicer next year! 😆 ( I doubt it…)

Tonight we are on our own and I am preparing Beef Wellington and Yorkshire pudding. It’s a long time I haven’t bake Yorkshire puddings.

We will have first tartare salmon and smoked salmon and for sweet an ice cream 🪵 log. All our Xmas cakes and ice creams here have the shape of a log.

We certainly will watch TV and Skype with our children before going to bed and start the New Year!

Happy day to you all!

vendredi 29 décembre 2023

Our end of year.

Hello Friends 

Some last pictures of Xmas before I put the decorations back in their boxes until next year!

We are now waiting for another storm coming from the United Kingdom. It will start this afternoon and the worst will be … on New Year’s eve and day!

We planned a day at the sea, but we have to change our plans and stay home!

I wish you a Happy end of the year!


jeudi 28 décembre 2023

Dear Christmas card!

Today, Max is at « Miracle garden » in Dubaï.
I already put some pictures on my blog about it.
( source: internet) it is a beautiful garden in the desert 🐪  mum and dad are on Christmas holidays and Maxime is exploring Dubaï !

 Hello Friends,

Yesterday the postman rang at the gate, I wondered why? Because I was not waiting for any parcel.

He told me he had a small paquet for me, but I had tax fees to pay ( custom fees) 9 euros ( around 9 $)

Well! I asked him where was the paquet 📦 and where did it come from?? From United Kingdom 🇬🇧 

In fact the small paquet was a Christmas card of 20 grams ! It was the yearly Christmas card from the people I lived with during one year in Wiltshire.

How a letter of 20 grams could be so expensive ?

I usually have some news in a big letter about all the family ( so I did not refuse the letter and I paid, but this time his wife just noticed that he was ill and could not write.  they are over 80 and we wrote to each other for 40 years, so there must be something serious. 

In the afternoon I phoned the post and they said it was the customs who fixed the price! I had the same letter last year and did not pay anything ???

But it is still the dearest Christmas card I ever received 😆 !

I wish you a good day!

mercredi 27 décembre 2023

A good coffee and a pistachio biscuit.

It’s a quite afternoon! I am starting to feel better today and I am glad 😀 !

I am doing some craft again and that’s a good sign 😆 

I did a little pause to drink a coffee from my husband’s new coffee maker. He received it from my daughter for Xmas and I am eating a pistachio biscuit we received for Xmas from our daughter. Italian coffee with Italian biscuits! So good. At the same time I am watching Barnaby on TV.

This is a quiet day and I am enjoying it after health problems !

Hope you enjoy your day?


mardi 26 décembre 2023

Butterfly garden.

Maxime ´s Christmas Day was with the butterflies ! The youngest is feeling better now and was pleased with his Christmas presents 🎁 

 Hello Friends, I hope you had a Merry Christmas ?

For us it was a miserable one!

I have spent Christmas in my bed with covid again. We both had covid, but Maxime’s other grandparents who lives in another country had covid too and the grandfather is in hospital.

Our son in law’s surgery went well, but we could not spend Christmas with our daughter so we stayed home. 

As I was not feeling very well for some time with another health problem I had anticipated our Xmas lunch which was in the freezer, but with no taste and smell it was not a success for me.

For my Xmas present, I had a pocket printer for my phone ( I already printed photos from Maxime) from my son.

Some scrapbooking items and embellishments from my daughter and a basket full of Italian goodies and a big panettone.

Some perfume and cosmetics from my daughter in law  , finally an air compression leg massager from my son

Well, now I am waiting for my clinic appointment on January the 3rd.

But, I am starting to feel a little better, so is the other grandma but we are worried for my daughter in laws’s father who is in hospital we are hoping he feels better soon, they already know they will keep him for two weeks.


jeudi 21 décembre 2023

Nothing is going right!

(Source : places to see before you die)

This picture is a the wonderful Xmas market in Strasbourg ( Alsace east of France)
I have been there and it is a wonderful Christmas spirit!

 Hello Friends,

As I told you , my husband had covid and I have a serious health problem and now I have covid myself!

Yesterday we had to go to the clinic urgencies and I stayed all afternoon with a painkiller perfusion.

Now we have violent storm which should stay until Xmas and big power cut!

I hope it won’t be too cold as I don’t feel well with covid.

I am sure you are preparing Xmas, but 

it won’t be for me again ( three covid at Xmas!)

But nevertheless I lighted Xmas candles and I hope next Xmas to be better!

Maxime is also I’ll and has got high fever for three days and also had to go to the urgencies

Yesterday like grandma.

My son in law’s surgery is tomorrow.

Nothing is going right this year…

Hope you enjoy your  Xmas preparations ! You must be very busy. See you soon.

lundi 18 décembre 2023

See you soon.

 Hello dear Friends !

Last year I had covid for Xmas but now it is my husband ( he never had it before and is fully vaccinated) )so I hope he will get better soon before Xmas day.

But I have also serious health problems. I have an appointment  beginning of January and hope I don’t need to go to hospital before. I may have a surgery in January. As I don’t feel at all well I will have a blog pause until better, but I want to wish you all a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!

See you soon!

vendredi 15 décembre 2023

The shop is closed!

(Source :ZZZOe)
 This early morning, I went to close the shop I had for three weeks. I have sold 72 items and I have left the items I did not sell for charity associations.

The house is decluttered of 72 things and more!

It’s quite a job to empty all cabinets and decide what was to sell and it was hard work to carry. But I am glad I get some money and met some new people.

Tomorrow we are going to a charity association to give some books we don’t have anymore the use and we will finish our Xmas shopping 🛍️ 

Maxime wishes you a Merry Xmas from his nursery school!

( Maxime’s little brother’s name to come will be William !)

mercredi 13 décembre 2023

Christmas 🧚 🧚‍♀️ 🧚 !

Christmas presents arrived from France!
One gift has been opened today!
Something special to learn French and English.
But more gifts to come on Christmas Day!

This is what I did this morning.
Four chocolate bars white, milk and dark.
Put them in the oven 50 degrés C
 For about 10 to 15 minutes.
(Source : cookist  wow)
Then you add cookies, nuts, raisins, peanuts…
Put it in the fridge for two hours then break it into pieces and put the pieces in bags or in jars.
I have put them in jars and will have to decorate them.

One Christmas when my son came for Xmas we went to visit a castle in Falaise Normandy and I showed him and my day in law a vintage Xmas shop windows mechanical dolls. They all come from shops in Paris.
And last year we visited the chateau champ de bataille 
Near our home. I like the fairy atmosphere of Christmas!


mardi 12 décembre 2023

A busy day.

While shopping I found this to make cinnamon rolls 😋 

(Source ZZZOe)
(Source: ZZZOe)

 Hello Friends 

Today, was a busy day! It started to the petrol station, then down to my shop it ends on Friday and the items I did not sell I will leave them and they will be sold and the money will go to associations that helps people in need. So nothing to bring home!

Then I went to the frozen store. They have very good Xmas dishes and as we will be only the two of us on the 24th I bought our meal before the rush hours! 

On the 25th I have ordered part of the meal and my daughter ordered the rest.

I went home and had my lunch then went to the post office to send my Xmas mail and went to buy a perfumed candle with a voucher I got when I bought my Xmas tree.

It is a nice perfume “fur  tree “🌲 

And I went to do the food shopping in the supermarket close to home.

Maxime received his Xmas presents I posted

Some presents were for Xmas and others for now, so he was very pleased with his present!

I just had him on Skype and he looked very happy 😊!

Now I am home relaxing. Yesterday I continued to sort out my cabinets and we will donate books and many things we don’t have the use on Saturday.

Today I feel tired but I did all I had to do, so I am pleased.

Tomorrow some more baking !

dimanche 10 décembre 2023

My Christmas tree is done.

At the moment we just finished some sorting out of some cabinets and now I have done my 🌲.
This year I added some touches of red to the white and gold! 
I had a call with Maxime and now he says “ bye!” To grandma and his vocabulary is now much developed.
Have a nice week.


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!