samedi 15 février 2025

Nice weather and a little outing.

This morning, the weather was fine, blue sky and sun 🌞 
We had an appointment with a company to get our trees trimmed and it should take place in March.
Then we decided to go for an outing to have take some sun and fresh air.
We went to one of our favourite place and shop to have a look and Mr L found me a nice scarf.
We decided to to head for « Pont-Audemer »
I took some pictures of the town a typical Normand little town not very far from the sea.

A small river called the Risle goes through the village.
An old bookshop 

Narrow paved streets
The town square with the church 
The Risle 

An old advertisement for ladies and children clothing 
« Raincoat and furs »

We came back before dark and found this pink and blue sky.

jeudi 13 février 2025

Happy Valentine !

I wish you a very Happy Valentine day!
 (Source: ZZZOe)

Cooking and waiting.

 Hello Friends,

Today I had some news about William. He is a little better and my son was waiting for the doctors visit 
during the morning. Still waiting for some other news.

Grandma has been cooking with her air fryer potato croquettes with mashed potatoes, egg, bread crumbs, flour.
I should have added mozzarella, will do it next time.
I have put some Gorgonzola to melt on top! 😋 and some olive oil spray.
It takes only 11 minutes to cook.
While waiting for some news I think  I’ll do some painting, how to paint a sky and clouds.⛅️ 
Hope I’ll have some good news for the weekend.

mercredi 12 février 2025

A good day, but a stressful evening.

Today, I went grocery shopping after my stop to my hairdresser. We had a glimpse of sun, so it was nice to drive in the country. I also went to get a present for our DIL and as I already bought William’s birthday present I thought I should buy a little one for Maxime . He will have his in April but I thought he would be sad not to have a present from grandma.

At home I had to put everything inside the fridge and decided to make some air fryer egg custard.🍮 when I received a message from my son telling me me that William was at the hospital urgencies! He is not feeling well and the doctors decided to keep him tonight ( with mon) so the end of the day is worrying, poor little William I must wait until tomorrow morning to get some news. Hope he will be better.

See you tomorrow !


mardi 11 février 2025

Birthday months.

Here, are Birthday months!
Start in February with 
DIL, Maud, then William  and dad Romain March and SIL Maxime and grandma April, finally grandpa in May!!!

Our baby will be 40 in a few days!
Time flies!!!
Hello Friends,

Today, we are having a little more light and sun!
The Hellebores are in bloom in the garden.

Valentine day is in advance here!
I made little waffles 

And exercised for Easter making my lamb cake.
Isn’t it cute little lamb?
Early morning in the back field.
Winter light and frost.

(Source: Ouest France le journal des animaux)
Surprise! I have just seen this bird. Never saw before, we don’t have much colourful birds here, I love its colours so beautiful. It’s a Bouvreuil.

lundi 10 février 2025

An ordinary weekend, an ordinary day.

(Source: ZZZOe)
( the river is called: La Charentonne)

 Hello friends,

 On Saturday,we went shopping in the little town of Bernay
Mr L had already bought a shirt on sale last week, but had seen another one he’d like! Fortunately it was still there!
Then we went to get new clothes for our grandson William to join his toy gift for his birthday beginning of March.
We had lunch in our favourite place, on our way went to my favourite shop and got a pair of new jeans with 70%off the last sales.
Then we decided to go to the bookshop in another place called Louviers and there I found a new cookbook, quick healthy recipes with my air fryer.

This is what I found for William, I already have got his Birthday present and a new parcel will be sent this week!
On Sunday we worked to sort out our numerous Christmas decorations and things we don’t need anymore.
Today, the weather is horrible and I did the usual laundry, vacuum…this afternoon i will rest a little and read.
Hope you enjoy your week.

(Our son bought an air fryer and does the cooking, so my job is to look for simple recipes and mailed him!)

samedi 8 février 2025

A little book about the famous little black dress.

Yesterday ML found the book I was looking for , for a long time. This collection on the famous French “Couturiers” has been very successful and i couldn’t get it this one is about  the story of Gabrielle Chanel .

I love this little book, very interesting, but unfortunately I can’t put pictures on line.

Her style and “little black dress”have   been famous as her tweed twin sets.

This is a collection about famous French “Couturiers “I will continue to get.

After the cardiologist, this is my punishment! Take my blood pressure twice a day over three days 😂 

(Source: ZZZOe)

 I did not believe it, but yesterday we had a little snow!

ML is taking the dog for a walk and then we’re going to sort out Christmas decorations we have not done after the children have left.

Today we are having a little sun!🌞 


Nice weather and a little outing.

This morning, the weather was fine, blue sky and sun 🌞  We had an appointment with a company to get our trees trimmed and it should take pl...