lundi 31 juillet 2023

Big ice cubes 🧊

Today, like most of July days, it is raining 🌧️.
But we don’t have to complain when most of the Mediterranean countries are in fire because of very high temperatures.
This morning it is 17 C and raining.
This weekend we decided that we needed a break and have some rest in Brittany.
We will soon go to Roscoff a place we like to go, the town is beautiful. We will stay by the sea in the thalassotherapy in the old town.
This town is the town of the “Johnnies »
These are men from Roscoff going to England with their bycicles to seem the onions 🧅 they grew in Roscoff. I love Roscoff onions which are very sweet!
Here is the province of « Leon » where you can see fields of cauliflowers and artichokes.
There is a «  Johnnies » museum I hope is open this time.

(Pictures from the net: office du tourisme)

The old town

(Source: Thalassotherapy Valdys Roscoff)

 This is not me! 😆 but I like this place on to of a rock in front of the sea!

In front of Roscoff is the beautiful Batz island, with a big exotic garden. There is also one in Roscoff as they have no frost because of the Gulf Stream.
Bandit will go to the kennel. We had to take him to the vet on Saturday, he had big stomach problems, but feels better with an injection and some medication.
We are not feeling too well in this house! 😆 at the moment!
With the strong air of Brittany and eating sea weeds we should recover!

I received a picture and a video from my son in Greenland.

I wish you a good new week!
This picture is from internet.
The Johnnies. Office du tourisme Roscoff, musée des Johnnies.

jeudi 27 juillet 2023

A beautiful place.

For a few days I am not feeling very well. Yesterday, I had to stay in bed not feeling well at all.
All my projects are stopped.
My husband is doing the shopping and this afternoon I could stay in my recliner.
As I told you my son was in Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 and his on his way to Iceland  🇮🇸 now and then to Greenland 🇬🇱 
And then will visit us on his way back ,Maxime and his mother have the visit of Maxime’s second grandma.
When my son was 17 we did a trip to Scotland together
Before he went to university, we have good souvenirs together.
I went twice to Scotland and I love this place very much, I hope to feel better soon to go on a trip in September, we will see the result of the blood test tonight.
These are the pictures my son has sent me this morning 
He is now in the plane going to Iceland!
Here the weather is grey and rainy 19 degrees, as I am staying cosy inside.


lundi 24 juillet 2023

Furniture transformation.

This morning I worked on my chest of drawers. I have done the second layer of varnish and finish my transfer.

Now it is drying and finish. Tomorrow I can put everything in place on top of it.

I have used all the transfer on both sides.

 Next time the wardrobe transformation !

Today, it is cool and rainy, nice for the garden, saves water!

I wish you a nice week.

dimanche 23 juillet 2023

A rainy Sunday.

I bought two kilos green beans from the market yesterday and this morning I peeled them , I baked a tuna, cheese and corn loaf for our lunch with a garden lettuce and cooked tomatoes. I also prepared radishes for tonight salad.
Yesterday I also bought a new muffin baking tray and just baked cranberries and white chocolate muffins.

I had a Skype with Maxime , but he was not feeling too well because of his teeth. But a few minutes  later he was dancing , so funny to see him dancing!
His other grand mother is coming to stay in Dubai as her daughter can’t travel for the moment and my son is going to Greenland for a photography stay.

I am impatient to see Maxime in November when it is cooler!

Today it is a rainy day, but we are lucky 21 degrees C and rain for the gardens.


samedi 22 juillet 2023

Another visit to IKEA !

Today, was a busy Saturday ! We left for the market to get two kilos of potatoes and beans to make cold salad with onion, cheese… a lettuce, some big garden tomatoes 🍅 to grill on the barbecue.

Then we left for Ikea to get some fitted sheets as I had not enough to go with the bed covers I already have.

We had lunch at ikea and then continued our shopping list…

And we found two new bed covers for our bedroom.

Mr L installed my new drying rack, so I don’t use my dryer as electricity price will go up again beginning of August!

While we were out they have cut the field next to us.

Last weekend Maxime went to see some animals mostly some birds and now he says Birdies and the morning he went to the aquarium with his parents and was saying «  fish, fish! » he can walk by himself!

We had a look at the children’s bedroom at ikea and decided to prepare a child’s room for Maxime. This winter it will keep me busy!

Tomorrow is Skype day with Maxime and we are waiting to talk to him in french as he is learning three languages !

The field has been cut.

 New bed cover pattern from ikea .

I will work on my furniture painting tomorrow.
I wish you a nice weekend.

jeudi 20 juillet 2023

A new project

 This morning, I had a new furniture decoration project.

I found this new vintage transfert to put on an English wardrobe. Before I have to paint part of the  two doors.

the shop owner thought Royal blue was nice, but I tried and thing the colour is too dark for the transfer.I prefer Dusty blue, I think it will be much better if I want to see the transfer. I will have to go back to the shop.

Well today despite going out this morning I finished the ironing I had left and now I am watching “ Miss Marple”and relaxing with a piece of banana and chocolate loaf.

Hope you have or you had a nice day!

mercredi 19 juillet 2023

Cooking and ironing .

 Hello Friends,

We are lucky here to have a cool weather during the night and in the morning. Around 12 C in the morning and sometimes 30 C in the afternoons, but today 20C at one o’clock! So nice!  

This morning I went to the shop to get the items I had forgotten yesterday and cooked my “Ratatouille “ it will gently simmer for tonight. It is particularly good cold in Summer with Parma ham!

Then this afternoon I will bake a banana loaf and I will sort out the bed linens see what I keep and which ones I am going to give. 

I took the ironing board out of my laundry room to look at tv at the same time . Watching “ Inspecteur Lewis”
In Oxford, a Beautiful town I visited in England.
This is what I am giving

And what I am keeping. We have five bedrooms, but now we use one except when the children come and grandchildren soon two!

Now I am resting a little before baking the banana loaf and broccoli quiche!

mardi 18 juillet 2023

Chest of drawers transfer.

This morning while it was cool 14 degrees C. Yesterday I phone the dentist a tooth crown came off this weekend 

And while I was driving to do my weekly shopping I had a phone call in my car, somebody cancelled his appointment and I had to drive back to replace the patient. After the dentist had replaced the crown, I still did not have done my shopping… went back to the shop and finally did my shopping, but forgot my list! So some things are missing and I will have to go back tomorrow !

This afternoon it is hot 🥵 30degrees C, but i had to go to the post office ( as in the country it is open only in the afternoon , then I came back home.

I baked an apricot pie, I got plenty of apricots this morning.

Yesterday I painted my chest of drawers, I had it already painted in black, but as I had paint I renewed the colour before the transfer that I applied this afternoon. Tomorrow I must put the varnish and continue in the front. I did some transfer in the past, but not as big. It is easy but takes time.

 This is the result!
I was on the phone with my daughter and some apricots are too cooked… but it will be good 😊 

lundi 17 juillet 2023

Busy weekend and busy week!

On Saturday, we decided to go to IKEA which is close to where we live. We decided to buy two summer  quilts and new quilt covers. We now have our own quilt a different one each as Mr L is always cold and I am always two hot , so we solved the problem!
We chose this new quilt cover that we both liked !
Then we want to change our bed and decided to look for a new one next Saturday .
Yesterday, it rained all day ( we won’t complain the garden needed water and the temperature went down!)
Today we have 23 degrees C which is a very nice temperature for me 😆 but tomorrow back to 30 C!

On Saturday morning I went to the market village 3 km from home especially to get fresh green beans, they are so delicious in cold salad!
Potatoes, radishes, garden tomatoes, onions and garlic 🧄 to cook a “Ratatouille “
Then cheese 🧀 and I went to the butcher to get what we needed for a barbecue on Saturday evening.

Yesterday, as it was raining we did big house cleaning 🧹 with my husbands help as since my surgery I am not able to do all the cleaning and we decided I needed somebody to help me, it will start in September.

Some weeks ago I found this white linen jacket
I love to wear linen in Summer even if it creases
After a lot of cleaning, laundry… this afternoon I have painted again my chest of drawers before applying the flowers transfer tomorrow, I hope I will get a nice result! We will see! Now I have to go, I can hear the washing machine ringing after me…
See you tomorrow.

Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!