lundi 28 juin 2021

Painting and cat news.

Hello Friends,

I have a picture and news from the stray cat in Dubai!
She is no more under the sofa and she is very friendly!
There is a difference in her eyes and fur with the two before pictures.
Last week I left my son on Skype with hair and beard and this week, probably too hot all is gone!


We have always had pets in our home and my son did not have one for ten years where he lives. His wife is télé working since the pandemic and has no contact with the outside , I think it is a good idea for her as well.
When going abroad there are very good structures to look after your pet in Dubai.
Here, we are still in « Autumn time » cold and lots of rain!
I saw on tv that some of you have more than 40C they said in Canada the weather was as hot as in Dubai!
It must be very difficult and I don’t complain and prefer to be cold.
All the flowers in the garden are ruined! I can’t take any pictures.
Today, the painter is coming to begin the work.
Yesterday, they ave informed me they will come to change the boiler the 14 and 15th of October, I hope it won’t be too cold!
Concerning the windows I should know pretty soon.

The room will be painted in light grey the boiler will be white and we decided to re use the old cupboards and paint them in Nordic blue, to bring a fresh touch.

I hope the weather will improve for everybody!
Take good care and see you soon.
The before picture!

vendredi 25 juin 2021

Painting week!

 Hello Friends,

I am still very busy at the moment. After I found the firms to change the doors and windows of the house, found the firm to change the boiler, we decided to have the boiler room painted And change the furniture in that room.

I have a before picture and will show you the after picture when finished!

The weather is still the same , Autumn weather! Cold and wet!

Tomorrow, we are going to choose the paint and Monday the painter is coming.

It is a small room. I think I will choose a light grey or beige colour. The boiler will be white, a much better colour than orange!

I must find «  on a budget » white kitchen cupboard.

Before we sell the house when Mr L retires it was necessary to do it.

So, as you can see we are busy at the moment, but I will try to continue my visits on your blogs. I will post pictures of the making over.

I wish you a nice Weekend .

mardi 22 juin 2021

Home tour.

 Hello Friends,

As the weather is horrible, heavy showers and thunder all the time. I decided to take pictures inside and make a tour of the house.

The hall. The door will change to be like this one, but adapted to the shape of the door.

It will be white inside and light green outside.

The shower room downstairs. I chose black and white.

The downstairs pink bedroom.
The kitchen.

The living room.

Craft room and laundry

Upstairs. The light is not very good due to the weather.
For the moment we are lucky, in some part of France they have been flooded and some had tornadoes !
All the flowers are spoiled and we can’t go in the garden.
I hope we will have better days soon.

samedi 19 juin 2021

The cat from Dubai.

 Hello Friends,

In a previous post, I told you about the cat my son rescued in Dubai. The cat which is girl whose name is Kitty stayed one week under an armchair is now sleeping on it!

She eats an begins to behave much better.

She is still scared sometimes and while my son and his wife watch TV she starts turning round the sofa for about 30 times!

Why they don’t know for the moment.

I am very glad she starts to strette.

I have been very busy this week, doing all the quotes and I found the firm to replace the boiler and also to change the front door and all the windows.

Today, we have lost 15C degrees and it’s raining a lot.

We wanted to go on the coast, but we decided to have a rest at home!

I wish you a nice weekend.

lundi 14 juin 2021

Workers in the house

 Today, is the day to install the air conditioning!

Bandit and I are in my bedroom since 9 as the workers go through the entire house! Fortunately it is not raining!!!

I can rest my ankle and Bandit is getting very bored.

On Saturday, Mr L cut the grass in our field as the grass was already starting to grow. Yesterday, one of the neighbour had his hay done, but it was very noisy.

Today, we are having 30C we will  be glad to have air conditioning tonight!

I hope I can go downstairs soon!

Have a nice day!

The work ended at 3 o’clock.

I need your help! My son in Dubai has adopted a stray cat from a rescue organisation.

The cat is two years old and is under the armchair since Saturday 

Does not eat much and cries during the night. I had lots of cats in the past but baby cats. I think it will be difficult with a two year old cat. Have you got any idea?

My point of view is that it will take very long!

If you have any advices they will be welcomed.

Thank you.

dimanche 13 juin 2021

A Sunday’s rest.

 Hello friends,
Today, my ankle is bad again and I have to wear a foot orthosis for six weeks!
Mr L is cleaning the garden chairs while I am sitting outside resting my ankle.
I have the workers for the air conditioning who are coming tomorrow and one more quote on Tuesday.
I decided which firm I will choose for the changing of doors and windows.
Here we must change our windows and doors and heating to improve the insulation of houses and use bioclimatic means of heating.
As we want to move within 3 or 4 years when MrL retires.
From where I am I can see the rose bushes  with SO many flowers!
It is hot and we are having blue sky as you can see.

I can hear the bees coming from our neighbours hives, collecting nectar from the flowers and the new born sparrows singing and looking at me from the gutter and the cooing of pigeons.
I will have a busy week and don’t know how I am going to cope with my ankle…
I hope your’re having a quiet Sunday and a good week.

vendredi 11 juin 2021

New born in the garden.

 Hello  Friends,
This week was a busy week! I did five or six quotes

To change the boiler and to change the doors and windows  17 windows I had painted white in the past.

I have to do them by myself Mr L being too busy. It is very hard 

Not to be influenced and to choose the best company and don’t make any mistakes!

I have to choose by next week which one is the best, best quality and best price.

We will move within 3 or 4 years and it’s time to do it.

This weekend we will have a rest in the garden and on Monday

The workers are arriving at 9 to install the air conditioner.

So it will be a busy week!

I wish you a good weekend.

jeudi 10 juin 2021

David Austin’s English roses.

I am looking for the name of this one if you know English roses do you think it is called Heritage?

 Hello Friends

Today, I looked in my “David Austin’s English roses”’ book, because I forgot the name of these roses…if you know English roses do you think it’s called ThePilgrim?

I love David Austin’s roses and this book is very interesting
You learn everything about how to keep the roses.
I am going back to my painting while the weather is fine and not too hot!

Nice weather and a little outing.

This morning, the weather was fine, blue sky and sun 🌞  We had an appointment with a company to get our trees trimmed and it should take pl...