mercredi 8 mars 2023


 Hello Friends,

Tomorrow is the day of my surgery and I still have no time of my arrival at the clinic! They should phoned me yesterday… I called them this morning, same answer “we will call you”.

So I am getting a bit nervous about it. There are some blocked roads due to demonstrations so we have to anticipate, but we can’t!

Well let me show you a drawing I have to finish ( soft pastel) I may work on it to calm down!

While I was writing I.  received the confirmation for tomorrow 1 PM.

I will be able to do my food shopping this afternoon, finish my drawing and prepare everything for tomorrow!

Have a good day and thank you for your visits!

3 commentaires:

  1. Glad you got the confirmation for tomorrow. You can calm down a bit this way.
    It's good that you paint, you need to figure something out for relaxation. Your painting is nice as always.
    I think you will be at the clinic on time tomorrow, because sometimes you may have to stop due to road blocks.
    Good thing you'll be over it tomorrow, you won't have to worry about it later.
    All the best for tomorrow.
    Love, Éva

  2. Glad your confirmation finally came back in time!
    That would really make me nervous!


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