samedi 30 avril 2022

A day of walk.

Today we’ve walked 14 km. Many poee on their bikes
During this Saturday along the North Sea.

We had lunch outside only 14 C. There were lots of people with young children eating outside with us.
Then we went on the beach for a walk

This morning walk after breakfast

This is a polder where people can have nice walk with their dogs

We saw a stroke in a garden
We are very tired after walking and shopping and we must have a good night rest!

vendredi 29 avril 2022

We are in the Netherlands!

After the covid years, we finally arrived to our favourite place!
We are dinner in the restaurant we used to go and it was famous as usual. I like the decoration, all the hams and sausages hanged in the restaurant.

The hotel was in transformation before the pandemic and now it is brand new. It’s name is Sanders de paaw ( which is 🦚 peacock) this is why rooms are decorated with peacocks 

And the chairs in the restaurant.

Tomorrow we are going to walk along the North Sea
Today we have done 400 km drive and 7 km walk!
( I have problems to leave comments on blogs Linda’s blog)
Problem with Google!

mercredi 27 avril 2022

News from the garden and tonight lunch

The blue tits are nesting

A little tulip from the Netherlands 🇳🇱 
The lilac are in bloom

The rhododendron is in full bloom I love this one

The wisteria 

Look at those flowers aren’t they beautiful!
Tonight diner will be a pork filet mignon with mustard and cheese.
Italian vegetable pasta 🥕 

 Some cooked tomatoes with herbs cheese and bread crumbs for Mr L and I will have green beans.

It is easy and quick to cook!

mardi 26 avril 2022

Apple trees blossom

 Hello Friends 

My visit to the hospital began at half past eight and ended at one o’clock! I had many different exams and I came back with a headache. I will have laser in June and  Head MRI.
But we still have beautiful weather and it’s nice to have barbecues in the garden. The sparrows are nesting ( we have four nests above our window shutters and many excitement around our house!
I find the apple trees flowers so nice and

In Normandy we used to have many apple trees to make cider and Calvados ( strong alcohol) in the past we used to drink a small glass of Calvados  in the middle of  meals which They called «  le trou Normand » it was facilitating the digestion and you could eat more afterwards. It was in between two dishes.

lundi 25 avril 2022

My favorite flowers and Rouen

 Just to wish you a good week!

( I will have 25 flowers.  ).  My taxi is booked for tomorrow morning to go to Rouen hospital 
7.30 am one hour drive in the traffic jams of the morning!
Then wait I expect all morning  for the exams, but I hope to get my right eye back to normal…
Yesterday, afternoon we have been working in the garden
And I have planted salads and sunflowers 🌻 sunflowers.

These are views from Rouen in Normandy, but tomorrow no time to stroll in the narrow streets.

dimanche 24 avril 2022

New garden center and our garden.

There is a huge garden center called « Desjardins » which has just opened close to our home and we visited it this afternoon.
Here are part of what we saw .
I bought the cactus with red flowers and a jasmine, I love it’s perfume during the summer evenings!

Hello friends,
Yesterday afternoon was spent at Rouen hospital ophthalmic urgences! One more after Dubai urgences.
The eye I had a cataract surgery 4 years ago was totally blurr
The cataract is starting again , so I have an appointment for further exams on Tuesday, I will take a taxi early morning.

But we decided to go back to the Netherlands soon
It is already booked!
I am so happy to go back in a beautiful country with very friendly people! During covid we missed them very much!
Here is our hotel were we usually go.

Here are some of my plantations 

The  wisteria is starting to bloom
The little tulips from the Netherlands . I will order more next Fall
I counted 50 flowers on my strawberries !
Rain drops on my Peonies
Some other tulips
This bush was planted by my father

The flowers from the bush

A lovely week to everyone !

Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!