mercredi 1 mars 2023

Eggs 🥚 in a nest 🪺 .

 (Source: Edith Holden’s book) Happy March!

Hello Friends!
We are already in March! It is not quite Spring yet. I remember we had snow in April and with this strange weather nowadays it is always a surprising weather!
Last year we went from winter to Summer without Spring. I rather like cold weather than too hot as last year but we never know…
This is a drawing I found this morning I did not remember about it…
My son has sent me this picture from my grandson in Dubai . This is taken in the souk of the Dubai Mall.
The armchair is big, but Maxime looks so tiny, like a little bird!
Speaking of bird, this is a nest I found in the garden
It has fallen from a tree. How beautiful  it is made!

These are some eggs 🥚 in the water I drew a long time ago.

This one I drew during the lockdown 

I am bird watching everyday and yesterday I renewed the birds water and each time they are queuing to drink. Bluetits , sparrows, robins, blackbird and pigeons.

The blackbird always takes a big bath splashing all the water 💦 so I have to bring some more for the others!
Soon it will be Easter and egg 🥚 hunting in the garden for the children  after church.
Thank you for visiting and I wish you a good day.

6 commentaires:

  1. You have written a very good post again. You are not only a good housewife, but also an artist. Your creations are beautiful.
    The nest is truly a work of art. Your grandson is very cute in that big armchair.
    I can almost see the birds drinking and splashing the water.
    It's 2.9 C outside, but I'm just now drinking my coffee in the warmth of my apartment.

  2. Ça doit être excitant de vivre à Dubaï. Je viens de revoir un vieux film de Tom Cruise, Mission Impossible, où il escalade le Burj Khalifa. Son co-espion prétend être français pour se fondre dans la masse. Je suppose que beaucoup de Français vivent et travaillent là-bas ?

  3. Lovely paintings! And adorable granchild!

  4. I love the lock down painting. It is so beautiful

  5. Your talents seem endless. It is not surprising to me that you paint and draw beautifully too. Your home has that artist's touch everywhere.

  6. you are a very talented artist!! birds nests ARE amazing, the quality of their work!!


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