mercredi 31 janvier 2024

Our small village shops

 Hello Friends,

This morning I have to go and get some groceries.

The little supermarket is about three kilometres from home in the next village.

These days we are having farmers blocking the main roads and motorways and they are heading towards Paris with their tractors their claim is more money to live with. Most of European farmers doing the same.

So lorries are blocked with food for the supermarkets but no problems for the moment.

This is my morning shopping !

There was not many people today.
I went to the fruits, bought some mandarins , pears and apple then sweet potatoes ( I like them stuffed and baked in the oven) endives, carrots , potatoes and butternut.

This our « charcuterie » ham, sausages and pâtés 
The cheeses
Biscuits from Brittany ! So good!
More biscuits from Brittany. 

Biscuits I use to make Fruit Charlotte.
Bonne maman jams.

Close to the supermarket we have a brasserie restaurant 
A dentist, a vet, florist, baker, beauty salon, hairdresser and an optical shop, I forgot a fast food.
I also went to the baker to buy bread 🥖 for the rest of the week.

The weather should be fine today with 10 C.

I went in the garden yesterday and saw some daffodils coming out. I hope they all will come out as we had lots of rain and flooding in the garden these past months.

I just received a message from my son and the baby scan is back to normal ! I am so glad!
This will be a good day!
Now, I am going to cook and bake this afternoon.
I wish you a nice day.

lundi 29 janvier 2024

Winter crafts

These are my 17 paper collage.
This activity is nice during winter days and a quiet activity. The first one I used part of a gift from Mari ( the pink flowers) from “My little corner of the world “
I will collect them in a

I also used the roses from Mari’s gift on this page.
I am also crocheting  some bright colours!


dimanche 28 janvier 2024

Along the river.

Yesterday was a nice day with sun.
I wanted to go out ne get some fresh air.
We decided to go and get a hat I saw on sale last week and it was still there!
This is the view from the bridge.
This Sunday morning frost is back.
This is the old ferry that was crossing the river Seine before the building of the bridge 
We have to cross the bridge to go home as we live on the other side of the river.
We walked along the river. The river Seine is very wide from this point and there is a nice long walk.

 No river cruise boat this weekend, some of them come from Paris and go to Honfleur.

Today we are resting before a new week!

vendredi 26 janvier 2024

I am back!

Hello Friends !

Here I am! It was hard time , but it went well and the results are good. I came back yesterday afternoon
They gave me morphine so I was a bit sleepy, but had no pain. This morning the clinic just phoned to know how I was feeling. Yesterday my husband had to stay with me all day ( clinic’s order)
And today I am on my own.
Before I went to the clinic I made this small album made with three envelopes and vintages post cards I had in a drawer.
One is for a wedding Anniversary, the other for Easter and the other one from a little girl to her grandmother 
I have taken the Xmas decorations off.

Bandit is very happy mum came back home.

It is windy and grey today and 10 C

 Now there are health problems in Dubaï and I am very worried , I am not able to go now, but the other grandma may be able to go in February to help before the birth of the baby. I hope to be able to go after the birth in March. There are problems with the baby
And my son must have a second surgery. Lot of stress there are I keep in touch with my son any time.
It is hard when you live far away!
The next scanner for the baby is beginning of February 
Hope everything goes well.
May I ask for your prayers for our coming grandson 
Prayers are needed. Thank you so much.

dimanche 21 janvier 2024

A quiet Sunday.

It is less cold today and the snow is melting.
Yesterday we went out to get some food and the roads were clear.
The landscape was so beautiful with iced vegetation and trees all was white and we could see hares running in the fields, but unfortunately we could not stop the car to take pictures, but it was worth being cold!
Then we had a break at our favourite restaurant before I start my diet for my medical exam on Thursday.
Now I started it today. Mr L is on duty from 8 am and 8 pm today.
Hope everything goes well for you see you soon!
Many thanks for your visits and comments !

(Source Mamzell’shabby chic)
(Source: ZZZOe)

vendredi 19 janvier 2024

Colder and colder days

 Hello Friends,

I was going to do a blog pause, but in between my two medical exams I have a few days free and the scenery outside is so beautiful that I want to share them with you.

We had -14C last night in Normandy and next week we should have …+18 C???? ( 6,8 F to 64,8 F) this is the translation.

Pictures are taken from our field behind the house.

( I had the MIR results no other surgery on the spine cord only a herniated disc painful but no surgery for the moment only painkillers)

The roads are without ice now except in the countryside 

Small roads, we are waiting -9 C on Saturday and that’ll be the last cold day.

I hope you’ll have a nice weekend. Tomorrow we are going food shopping and maybe a nice walk in the snow!

Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!