samedi 31 décembre 2022

Goodbye 2022 !

(Source éphéméride)
Last day of the year!

I hope you enjoy your evening! See you next year!

Greetings  from Catherine 

jeudi 29 décembre 2022

DIY of the day.

I did not know what to do?? I found some fabric I had some time ago, some fabric samples from Pierre Frey if  I remember.
So I cut some of the decor glued it on card board and replace them on the fabric with 3D glue.
I replaced them where they were supposed to be on the fabric.

 Now I am glad I used the fabric and found am idea.

Today, I had a rest this morning looking at some old “ country Living” and this afternoon I tried to clean some  windows 🪟 now I am going to rest and do some crochet. On Saturday I will have another test and see if I can go out with Mr L , but not sure…
I wish you a Happy End of Year!

lundi 26 décembre 2022

Lockdown Xmas!

It was a rather strange Christmas this year!
I was locked down with covid and no visits
Except my daughter who ventured to bring some Xmas food for us and our presents!
We wore both a thick masks 😷 
Mr L did the shopping and went to get the Xmas log I ordered  previously to bring at my daughter’s, but we finally ate it during these two days.
The next day my daughter went for à bicycle ride and was bitten by a German shepherd at the leg!
I hope next Christmas will be better and with our family.

We had a very, very quiet evening with our dog Bandit!
I had bought Bandit à Xmas sweater 
This is part of my daughter’s Xmas presents
A Romertopf to cook an apple as you can see.
Romertopf is hand made in Germany ( it is called a Roman  casserole) it is made of clay and allows  to steam cook and healthy cook with no fat.

This is the big one! She chose one for six!

I feel a little better and I could use my casserole and cook some 🐓 chicken yesterday. I  have the food taste back but I can’t smell much. I think this time it will take long to recover. I hope everyone has had a nice Christmas time with his family!

Xmas presents from my son two Japanese doll houses to build!

More and more flowers!

vendredi 23 décembre 2022

Merry Christmas 🎅!

( source ZZZOe)
This morning when I woke up I found this little Sara’s Elf on my phone!
Waving to grandma from far away!
And wishing you all a “ Merry Christmas!” 

jeudi 22 décembre 2022

Hard time

Hello friends,

At the moment, my health is getting worse, I thought I had flu, but I have been tested positive to a second covid ! Two between October and December! 

I feel very tired and this time I lost smell and taste and have terrible headaches. I am sad not to be able to go to my daughter’s for Xmas, but I am not at all well.

I hope you will have a Merry Christmas with your families! I hope next year to be better for me and that my baby grandson will be able to come with his parents.

 (Source ZZZOe)
Isn’t he growing up quickly!

mardi 20 décembre 2022

Christmas flowers .

The flower I love to grow for Christmas are white Amaryllis, they are so beautiful.

This year I grew two pots and I am turning the pot everyday otherwise they bend to get more light. For the moment they are perfectly upright.

I found one month ago some Christmas crackers to bring at my daughter’s, little father Xmas, snowman and reindeer.

Today I will try to wrap the presents .

As many of you I think, we will have a rainy Christmas 🎄 ! Unfortunately.

 Not all the flowers will be opened for Christmas, but I will have quite a lot in a few days!g

I finally got the strength to bake a gingerbread !

dimanche 18 décembre 2022

More frost and more cold 🥶

This early morning when I woke up the sky I see from my window was all pink, so I opened it as the glass was all frosted and saw this landscape.

 The horses and sheep are nestled in their shelter.

As we have been so hot this summer  nimbus 5 C is quite cold now.
I am still staying in bed most of the time, the fever is going down but I still feel very tired. 
This week my son has sent me a link to book a reservation for a stay in a tiny house on the coast ( Normandy) close to the town of Deauville. I booked for Easter weekend. The tiny house is in the middle of a field close to horses. I hope I’ll be better by this time 😆.
Yesterday, Mr L went to order the cake for Christmas and get the wine. The cake is a Christmas log 🪵 
No Christmas preparations for me this year!
I hope you enjoy yours!

samedi 17 décembre 2022

Frost and flu 😷

This morning I woke up and discovered this frosted landscape!-5 C and guess what… after covid last month I got flu since Thursday! So I am back to bed with fever. Bad luck.

I received a photo of this little one ready for his first Christmas.
Mr L is doing the shopping while I stay warm in bed!

Have a nice warm weekend.

( source ZZZOe)

mercredi 14 décembre 2022

⛄️ Snow ⛄️⛄️ !

(Source éphéméride seasonal calendar)

Just a quick hello!
Finally it is starting to snow here!
It will be snowing during two days.
Mr L has got the flu, but fully vaccinated ?
Yesterday, I booked our weekend in a tiny house 
In Normandy by the sea. It is a present from our son.
We booked for Easter 🐣 
It will be time to rest a little!

I am still busy with my mum’s flat to move, but things are going on gently.
As I am tired by all these busy days, we will finally spend Christmas at our daughter’s new house and see her new kitchen.
This will be the first time I will not cook for Xmas!
I hope I won’t get flu 😷 by this time.
Hope you enjoy your Xmas 🎄 preparations.


lundi 12 décembre 2022

Souvenirs, two years blog and Christmas giveaway.

Good Souvenirs !

My first communion 
With my Normand costume in our village festival 
Beginning 60’ s
This what I found at my mother yesterday moving everything from her flat. These are from the 50’s
It’s some kind of lace you use to decorate hand made table cloth or map kind. I don’t know the name, but some of you I am sure know the name. I thought it was called in french «  entre deux » ? 24 pièces.
this will be my vintage giveaway for my two years blog!
You will have until January to leave a comment on my blog if interested. I will send anywhere.
The result will be first week of January !
By this time 
I wish you ALL a MERRY  CHRISTMAS 🎄 
Wherever you live and my wish for this coming Christmas is a wish of PEACE !
( I will be very busy these days but see you as soon as possible my friend !)


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!