samedi 31 juillet 2021

Women sewing a boat sail.

 Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida

I took a picture of this painting. Beautiful painting to me! 
Women sewing the boat sail.

I forgot one photo of the exhibition, one of the best one to me, so I wanted to share it with you.I love the lights and shades of a summer day.
I hope you enjoy your Sunday!

Women in painting, Giverny museum.

 Hello Friends,

A few years ago, I went to visit an exhibition in the Giverny (Monet’s village) about women in painting.
I loved this exhibition and I wanted to share some pictures with you. Such a romantic exhibition! I hope you enjoy your weekend!

mardi 27 juillet 2021

What to do with old maps? And souvenirs from Japan.

 Hello Friends,

Some years ago we bought this paper binder ( don’n know if it is the right word?) it was a cheap, plain one and I did’nt know what to do with it to match with the room decoration, in the study.
I had old maps of France I wanted to re use somewhere…
I painted the paper binder in white and then did a collage with the maps.
I must change the places of the drawers because as you can see Corsica is above Brittany… it’s  in total disorder!
I also changed the drawer handles.
Now it is a part of the decoration and I the old maps have a second use! When dry, I put some white acrylic paint on a cloth and did a sort of patina on top of it.
Hope you enjoy your day.

I have posted these souvenirs from Japan on my other blog and I thought it might interest you.
There are souvenirs from our trip to Japan, Kyoto and Nara.

DIY on rainy days.

Between two showers I decided to make an Hydrangea wreath
Before the rain spoils them!

 Hello Friends,

These days are rainy days!

From 31C we are now 21C with heavy showers!

It is not possible to go in the garden and not possible to go in my she shed, too much rain.

So I decided to work on the felted wool sardines I have ordered from” Felt and dandy” on Etsy this winter.

I already made one blue tit and I have a second one to make, but for a change I try the sardines.

The explanations  are very clear and there is plenty of wool,.

I have three of them to make , before I put two of them in the sardine box.

It takes time to make!

Here it’s very quite, all my neighbours left for their holidays

And those who are still here are aged people who don’t go out anymore .

I hope the rain is going to stop, so I can do some painting outside!

We will have the painter mid August, the new windows in September and new boiler mid October!

I hope we will be able to go on holidays sometime in September!

Have a nice day!

dimanche 25 juillet 2021

When we went to the sea side…


Hello Friends,

A little souvenir of our first seaside trip since last year!

We went to Criel sur mer and Mers les bains going along ne the coast going north.

samedi 24 juillet 2021

Country, forêt, log cabin and day in Rouen.


Yesterday, we went to the log cabin and it was very hot outside 40 C. We had a barbecue together, had a look at the garden but the deer have eaten the strawberries.

This morning I was very sad when I had to say good bye to my son and his wife.

The house is again very empty, so my husband and I  decided to go out to Rouen and look at the last sales.

We had lunch outside on a terrace. A « croque monsieur » chips and salad. Then we had an ice cream yogourt and melon.

I took some photos of the town. The cathedral, the big clock street  ( la rue du gros horloge »

And the courthouse.
We had a message and they said they arrived at the airport and now in the plane they will arrive around 20 tonight.
The week has been very rich and  they are going to work tomorrow morning!

vendredi 23 juillet 2021

Summer in the garden!


Hello Friends,
I am very busy at the moment. Today, we are going to my daughter’s log cabin in the forest, but it is my son’s last day here before he goes back to Dubai.
It will be very hot today 31C and we will have thunder tonight, before the temperature goes down tomorrow.
We will have thunderstorms tomorrow for their flight.
This morning I took some pictures from the garden before we leave for the forest.
I hope you are having a nice day. See you soon.

Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!