lundi 30 août 2021

Laundry Make over day one.

 ( source: Chromatic)

Today, we are starting the laundry make over. This room is in between the kitchen and my craft room.
I have already done the kitchen makeover with my son in law a few years ago before selling the house when retirement arrives.
In the kitchen we have changed the sink for a white one.
The laundry will be painted in light grey and the furniture in ice blue.the painter is starting today and I think I will last the whole week. 
We will have the new boiler in mid October and it will be white instead of this orange.
I am still waiting for the windows and doors that should be coming in September.
The Autumn will be busy!
Autumn is already here!
I wish you a good week.

dimanche 29 août 2021

End of Summer changes in the family.

 Hello friends,

It seems that our family is having a lot of changes at the moment!

Since the numerous lockdowns, our children who travelled a lot around the world, have decided to settle down.

Our daughter has sold her flat and has just bought a house, our son and daughter in law will have a baby and for our part, we are doing some work and changes in the house before retirement and before moving.

As soon as they had their new house, they first wanted to “ open” the space downstairs!

They have found second hand furniture from a young couple and have plainte of ideas for the decoration.

Tomorrow on Monday, the painter is coming for a week of work.
I also will have to contact the firm that is going to change the windows and doors. The boiler will be changed  in mid October.
So it will be a busy Autumn!
The weather here is getting very cold at night and the days are getting shorter already. But this morning we are having sun.

Last roses in the garden, birds starting to gather in October the geese usually fly over the garden always using the same way.

I wish you in advance a Happy September!

jeudi 26 août 2021

Foxes and owl and good news!

 Hello Friends,

Last night, I cooked a chicken filet with oranges and ninth from the garden. It is a low calories dish from my recipe book.

It was easy, quick and very tasty dish with mashed potatoes.

Not the french “ potatoe puree” with lots of cream and butter.

I only used two spoons of low fat cream. 

Around three this morning I was awakened by the yelping of foxes who wanted to eat the neighbours ‘ hens, then an owl was hooting for a long time… country life!

Then the dog wanted to go out, some cats came on the terrace to see if they could eat the fish in the pond.

This morning I had a good strong coffee to wake up!

And we had a slice of  the date and banana loaf I baked for the breakfasts with an orange juice and home made yogurt.

This afternoon, I am going to the hairdresser and I think I will have a little nap there!

I have just learned this morning by my son, that a baby is expected in Dubai!

mercredi 25 août 2021

Relaxing gardens.

(Source: Pinterest)
 Hello Friends,

This morning I was looking at Pinterest, to get ideas for the fish pond I wanted in my garden.

I think this is the kind of pound I would like for my Koi fish.

While looking on the net, I found some beautiful pictures of Japanese

( source: Pinterest)

Isn’t it beautiful and relaxing!

I need relaxation today, because this is the day of my dentist

Appointment this morning! I hope it won’t last too long!

See you soon! 

Time for Hazelnuts!

After the harvest on Saturday, now it’s time to thatch the field and then to plough it for Autumn.

 Our field, we had it cut three times this year, but with so much rain it has been growing again.

I found my hydrangeas Pinky winky on Saturday.( at the back)

The hydrangeas I had to move in June has given a small flower and is not dead.

This morning I found hazelnuts in the garden. Autumn is soon there.
The lamp I bought on Saturday is very nice at night.
Reminds me of Dubaï.
The flowers start to turn pink for Autumn.
This year, there are few hazelnuts , maybe caused by the weather.
Today, I am going to sew lavender sachets to put in the drawers.
Yesterday, I made apricot and peach jam.
I have problems with my internet connection and problems to leave comments again!
I visit your blogs and read them but sometimes it’s impossible to leave comments. It is also very long to download pictures.
I wish you a nice day.

Today, I baked a date and banana loaf for breakfasts.

samedi 21 août 2021

Saturday out to the garden center.

Hello Friends,
Today, we went to another bigger garden center to get water plants for my pound.
I took some pictures of the decoration corner of the shop.
It was early in the morning and still summer holidays and the shop was nearly empty and I could take all the pictures I wanted.
I went to see the hydrangeas and found a pinky winky one, I love this creamy pink colour.
Then we came back home to put the plants in the pound and one koi fish had jumped out of the pound and was on the terrace very far, I could not believe it , he jumped about 40 centimetres high and 1 meter long! He could go to the Olympic Games!! 
I just arrived on time to put it back in the water and he is safe!
Then we went to buy a small net and put it on top of it and went back to continue our shopping.
Tonight, I gave them some food and they are ok. 
I love this big garden center especially at Christmas they have plenty of nice decorations in all colours.

We bought the solar lamp the round one on picture four. I like the China cups , the terracotta jars.
Then we had lunch in a “Crêperie “ a pancake restaurant and continue to another town to get Mr L some books.
And after 5 km walk went back home, were Bandit had a toy as a gift.I hope you enjoyed the pictures!


Nice weather and a little outing.

This morning, the weather was fine, blue sky and sun 🌞  We had an appointment with a company to get our trees trimmed and it should take pl...