samedi 25 mars 2023

Chromos DIY project.

I always loved « Chromos » I find them very romantic 
A long time ago, when my son was study in Paris he bought me this vintage suitcase and one day I decided to paint it roughly in white.
These days I had the idea to add some  vintage Chromos reproductions my children bought me.
I am going to use special glue and varnish to stick them on. At the moment I am trying and deciding how to do it.
While writing I can hear the strong wind blowing and I can see the trees moving a lot! This will be our weekend weather with heavy showers!
Better stay inside!
I may decide to change the places of the “Chromos” but will keep the blue ides.
I also have real vintage ones. A série of English churches is the one I like best!

 The real vintage ones dates back  around 1900. They  were advertising. Nowadays someone’s can be very expensive especially if you get a série!

Now I wish you a lovely weekend!

4 commentaires:

  1. What a beautiful project! I know you had fun doing it!

  2. I am not familiar with Chromos but I can see that these vintage and vintage-looking little gems are perfect for you.

  3. I have never heard of Chromos before, but I like them, and I love what you did with that suitcsase!

  4. Such lovely pieces of ephemera. Perfect for decorating your suitcase and so many other things too. GM


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