mardi 21 mars 2023

Morning baking.

What did I bake this morning? A cherry and almond cake 🍰 maybe the cherry stencil I made is a bit big

But it’s to decorate the top. I used  cherries 🍒 in a jar I found when shopping on Saturday.

 These days I have problems with my view I hope everything is going back soon to normal. Now I will have three eye drops a day instead of six again for two more weeks and then have my glasses changed.

On Thursday I will have my hair cut.

By the way after a day and night waiting in Costa Rica the plane from the french company that did not have kerosene to fly because of the strikes finally arrived… but then it could not take off because of a big thunder storm! So they had to wait again and finally landed back home. I was worried part of the week end, but this was a relief when they landed!

9 commentaires:

  1. I'm glad your family arrived safely!! Wonderful news.
    Love the cake and the pretty design...I know you'll be glad when you get your new glasses...

  2. Cherry almond cake sounds delicious and the cherry design is cute!

  3. sounds so good and i love the way you decorated it!!

  4. It's good news that your daughter and her husband are safely at home. What a pretty cake you baked. The larger stencil means more icing sugar on the cake!
    I hope your eyesight is soon restored and you will be able to see well once again.

  5. Oh what a lovely cherry cake with a cute design!
    Have a happy week & take care...

  6. The cake sounds wonderful. I hope you will show us a photo of a cut slice. Making the stencil was a fun idea.

  7. Your cake is pretty!
    I'm so glad they finally got back home.
    On your other post you talked about your blogger issues. It can be such a pain! You don't show up as anonymous on mine. :)

  8. I'm pleased that my commenting problem with Google seems to be solved. I hope your eyesight returns to normal.
    The cake looks so tasty and the stencil is a nice touch.

  9. That cake looks delicious and I love your decoration! Thanks for popping by my blog today!


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