mercredi 31 mars 2021

Le Bec Helloin Abbey.

 Hello friends,

I am back after the surgery, I am resting to recover quicker.

But, I will have to go through another surgery during this year , that is the bad news! But I have done this one and that is the most important for the moment.

Today, I will post pictures I took from Le Bec Helloin Abbey.

There was a big cathedral which was destroyed during the revolution, so now the church is in the ancient horse stables.

This is the place we like to go to pray and meditate on Sundays.

This is a very quite place and monks are still living there.

I hope you enjoy the visit and I want to warmly thank you for your prayers and your kindness.


lundi 29 mars 2021

A Spring day .just a quick Hello

 Just a quick Hello

I am preparing all I need for my surgery tomorrow.

Yesterday, (we are in a lockdown) but we can go to get some plants if we want, so we went to the garden center and relax a little.
We choose the plants together, but my husband planted them.

The weather is fine 21C and sun, but frost during the night.
I wish you all a good week.
Hugs. Catherine

mercredi 24 mars 2021

See you soon

 Dear friends,

As you know, if you are following my blog, I am going to have a surgery on March 30th. I have lots of tests to do, COVID ..

I will be busy until then, so I decided to have a pause on my blog for a few days. I hope everything will be ok and that I will be back soon.

For those of you who are new, you may have a look at my previous posts if you like. I will miss you!

I say good bye for now, see you soon. Hugs to you.


Country life

 Hello friends,

As I already told you, we have birds everywhere!

We have four nests, sparrows nests on top of three windows and one on top of our balcony and they are sharing the space with a bat!

They stay here the whole year, sleeping in their nests during the winter or under the roof . Too crowded, not enough room!

To do their nests, they go and fetch the wool from the sheep’s next door, so it is warm in the winter and cool in Summer, clever isn’t it?

During the day, they eat, drink, take a bath and chat in the bush behind the little magnolia. They chat all the time and very loud!

We have about 30 sparrows and with the four nests I wonder how many we’ll have this Spring!

The first picture, is a picture of one end of the roof.

One end is like this in Normand houses. You can see it on picture 6 our neighbour ´s house.

And this is where the bat lives and one of the nest and generally you have a balcony there.

I always try to use the balcony and clean it, but I am desperate

It is always dirty!

Bats are protected, but they scare me.

Last Summer as I was closing the window, a bat came in our living room, went up the stairs and settled in my son’s room upside down. My husband manage to get it outside!

These are the joys of country side!

Have a good day!

Birds nests 

mardi 23 mars 2021

Spring in the garden

Wasabi flower.

 Hello friends,

Today, we have a cold , but sunny weather.

I had a look at the garden as every morning, give a new apple to the birds and look at the wasabi on the first picture, it is in flower.

My outside bonsaïs have their leaves coming out. They stayed outside all winter.

Nono the robot is at work, doing a good job! The moles have left to the field next door, they don.t like the vibrations of the robot.

You can see my small Magnolia which flowers are coming out pretty soon.

Today, I will go for a walk under the sun!

I wish you a good day.

Squirrel food

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Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!