mercredi 31 mai 2023

A lazy day!

Today, is a beautiful sunny day. I am sitting outside in my confortable recliner surrounded by roses. Bandit is hunting moles!

This rose bushes is starting to bloom and will be covered by hundreds of small roses in a few days.

They are all at school or at work and there are only the birds songs and the wind 💨 so it is not too hot.

« Othello roses David Austin »
Pierre de Ronsard 

Foxgloves are starting to bloom.
Bees are arriving  attracted by the basswood flowers and the rose bushes.

(Sources: ZZZOe)
I should work! I did the first coat of paint, but yesterday I was tired and not feeling well, so today, I did the house work and I will make an apple and rhubarb crumble , while the washing machine is working for me 😆 
I have cut some rhubarb from the garden and I already had one kilogram and made a rhubarb pie.

Then I must catch up with your blogs!
See you soon!

dimanche 28 mai 2023

A sunny weekend .

On Saturday afternoon, I did not want to work on the shed. We went to do some shopping at the hardware store, we have a problem with the gaz outside the house. We live in the country and we have big gaz bottles outside at the back of the house  and  there is a leak, I could smell  it , so on Tuesday I must call the plumber who is also our heating installer.
We went to buy another gaz bottle, they will deliver it on Saturday, but we will use the barbecue for the moment, oven and microwave.
Then I did not want to go back home and we drove to the Abbey, “ Le Bec Hellouin”
We went to listen at the monks and  sisters singing hymns. That was  a very beautiful moment of prayers.
Then we went to the shop where  I buy my Mailed mice and found this frog garden decoration.
After we had a farm ice cream , I had rhubarb and lemon
Speaking of rhubarb, I have cut mine in the garden and will use it tomorrow for a dessert.

Roses and typical Normand house

 I wish you a sunny weekend !

vendredi 26 mai 2023

Roses time.

Roses are starting to bloom, we are having a long weekend, between resting time and working time in the garden. I hope you’ll enjoy your weekend!

( Green Gate cup and saucer)


jeudi 25 mai 2023

DIY painting .

I wanted, the before and after, but blogger decided the contrary!

I had this wooden stool for years and always said I was going to paint it… yesterday, I did. I had some paint left from the table I have painted in my shed and decided I was going to use it.

It took me the day to cover it with two coats of paint and sand it before, but now it is done!

The weather is beautiful and not too hot and we will work on the shed again.. It is a hard work and I don’t want to work three days on it, too tiring. We again have a three days weekend and I will rest, too much people on the roads! We will stay home.

Have a nice weekend!


Picnic 🧺 basket and picnic weather.

Our forgotten picnic basket, we will re use !
It has real glasses and real plates( good for the planet 🌍 !

We can add ice and keep our food fresh

(Source: cuisine de plein Air France loisirs ) 
Vintage book! I used for our picnics with our children.
I was in my recliner with Bandit on my lap and looking at the swallows flying high in the sky. Their flight is very gracious and they are so quick.
It was a relief that my daughter arrived safely after cycling on her own during three days, through isolated lanes and forest lanes. I followed her and her husband too on her tracker during these days.
I went to have a look at the flowers and found a new Peony blooming soon. This rose bush will be covered with flowers.

 Saturday evening, my husband invited me to a restaurant. We usually like the food, but this time we chose  a dish that was covered with cheese and brown in the oven, but now we pay more and we looked for the ham and the cheese??? All the prices are going up and they reduce the ingredients  and quality !

We tried many different places and it is the same . So we decided to bring Picnic with us like we used to do before, in our picnic basket found years ago in a thrift store. I will look in my summer cooking books and on internet to find new salads and sandwiches ideas.

We are going to have again a three days weekend and nice weather for a picnic!

mercredi 24 mai 2023

Somethings vintage.

My daughter arrived after 93 kms cycling to the sea!
She need a good « crepe » after the effort!
Well done! All on her own.

Today, I am still looking 👀 on the tracker to see where is my biking daughter!
She goes very fast and had a stop to drink a coffee and is soon reaching the sea! She has actually finished her trip! And will come back by train.  

(Confort food!)

At the same time, I had fresh bananas and fresh pineapple and I baked a banana & pineapple cake 🍰.  When emptying the shed  on Saturday I found something I had forgotten about.
Old sheet, embroidery ,alphabet and old monogram.
Last night I work on my yoyos.
Today, I will begin to paint this ladder.


Family team

Some are resting 😴 with ears straight up!while other member of the family are doing sports!!! My daughter has sent me this picture taken by...