mardi 23 mai 2023

A gipsy trailer.

First night in a gipsy trailer for my daughter’s cycling 🚮‍♂️ tour. She started by half past 8 this morning as she will have about 70 kms today to reach her next spot. I am still following her. She is soon arriving at Honfleur!
For the moment 79 kms and again one more day. 

My husband  went to work but is not feeling well for two weeks, he has put himself under antibiotics, but they are not strong enough, he has taken stronger ones today.
Saturday I found a big pigeon dead and today another sparrow! I think the avian flue has reach our spot.
It can be transmitted to human in rare cases, but he has a pulmonary infection ( not sure it is avian flue) but he gives lot of food to the birds… when I give them water I wear a mask đŸ˜·  on!

In Dubai they all three have covid! And my son had to fly for his work, I don’t have news for the moment.
I feel tired and I have an appointment to the cardiologist  beginning of June, but I am 
 “always on the deck” for the moment!
We will have a three days weekend and will rest.
Hope we all feels better soon!

I had a call and Maxim’s Birthday present arrived  today! I have sent it on April 17th! My DIL will open it after her afternoon  work! Hope the presents are not broken!


4 commentaires:

  1. You deserve to rest during the long weekend. You have worked a lot, you have to stop working now for a while until you are better. I am very sorry that your husband and your son and his family are also ill.
    I'm thinking about all of you.

  2. So much illness...I hope that clears up quickly.
    The gypsy wagon looks so cute and quite comfortable. Your daughter is sure putting on the kms.

  3. I really like that gypsy wagon. Glad your daughter is sending you reports!
    Oh no on the covid! Hope they feel better soon and your hubby too!

  4. Love the wagon! Am praying for your daughter's trip!
    Hope your husband gets better Soon!! You both need rest...


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....