samedi 20 mai 2023

Busy weekend !

(Blogger did not put the pictures in order once more!)
I added a lace curtain I had in stock from IKEA  
This is the little table I had for 5€

And this box for 9 €
This is a little painting 🖼️ I found a long time ago in a thrift store
I found a round carpet, but not the one I wanted, but I will wait until I go to the thrift store again.
Photo of the weekend! 

 Two days ago, my daughter phoned me and said she had some vacations, but not her husband so she wants to go on the coast by bicycle 🚴! She will cycle two days and sleep two nights in hotels for cyclists and come back by train with her bike. About a 100 km, but I don’t like to know her alone on isolated cycling lanes ! She is equipped of many trackers and I can follow her on my phone. She is trained with her connected bike at home and participate to connected bike races with women from all over the world 🌍! Well! New to me! 😆 

This morning I went to the hardware store to get everything we need to work on the shed outside.

I bought a cover for our garden table to avoid the birds to come on it.

I had a 10 € vau her and used it inThe decoration store to get reduced prices items for the shed.

I don’t know if we will be able to work on the shed outsides tomorrow because the weather is not very nice as they had announced it!

6 commentaires:

  1. Wow, your daughter's bike trip sounds like quite an adventure! It's impressive that she's exploring the coast on her own, equipped with trackers and connected bike training. It's great that you can follow her journey on your phone and ensure her safety. The world of connected bike races with women from all over the globe is definitely something new and exciting. As for your own plans, I hope the weather improves so you can work on the shed.

    Don't worry, the "tuintafel hoes" will keep the birds away. Enjoy your projects and fingers crossed for better weather!

  2. I'm glad you can follow your daughter in law so you don't worry so much.
    My daughter and granddaughter are climbing mountains in the Colorado Rockies next weekend to get altitude training for their climb of Mt Kilimanjaro this summer. Our young people's adventures can cause us to worry.
    Your shed is looking fabulous!

  3. I love it all! You have such good taste in decorating. Of course, the cutest is Maxime!
    I wouldn't like my daughter cycling alone either, glad you have trackers.

  4. Look at that little man big enough to sit on a riding toy!! Maxime is growing so quickly.
    Your daughter is very adventurous. It's hard not to worry about our grown kids.

  5. Lovely, lovely pictures! Love your decoration and Maxime is so cute :)
    Have a happy Sunday & take care...

  6. I wouldn't like my daughter out alone on trails either...
    Everything is so pretty and I love your roses!!


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....