Manuscripts in between the flowers.
I have still work on the third drawer.I have got to rub the transfer on the drawer.
This is a vintage wedding globe

I am feeling a little better. I have a chronic health problem, so as soon as I feel a relief I am back to housekeeping!
I wish you a sunny week!
I wish the sun would come back here, too!
RĂ©pondreSupprimerThe chest of drawers is getting nicer and nicer.:)
I love that chest of drawers! You could run a business doing that, and sell pastries on the side. :)
RĂ©pondreSupprimerStaying busy is key to dealing with chronic conditions. When we can, we do. Everything you do is beautiful.
RĂ©pondreSupprimerThe transfers are so lovely on the dark chest of drawers. Also those pastries...they look delicious!! I'm sure I would not be able to resist one (or two).
RĂ©pondreSupprimerHej Catherine,
RĂ©pondreSupprimerDe kast wordt steeds mooier!
Een fijne week, lieve groet Willy