jeudi 24 août 2023

Horrible weather!

  This morning it is all dark, we have to put the lights on, a thunderstorm is arriving, with strong winds and hail !

It is very humid  86%  humidity and it is a suffocating weather! Next week will be a lot cooler, I don’t like hot and humid weather I am glad !
It is a very unusual weather for Normandy.

We had to stay inside , close doors and windows and not use electric devices for the moment.
Some towns are already flooded..

We are having very heavy rain at the moment and thunder, I am scared for our home and car, I hope it won’t be hail, some places have very big hail stones the size of a tennis ball! And it damaged the roofs and cars…we will see. The thunder has struck at the moment!a terrible noise next to the house, on a tree or on the church.
What about the weather in your country?

6 commentaires:

  1. It is really hot here. 35C. I just came from the store and decided not to go out again today.
    I'm sorry you're having such bad, horrible weather. Reading the weather report, I see that at the beginning of next week the bad weather will come here as well, and the air will cool down. We'll see.

  2. Hope everything was alright after the storm! Its still hot here...42.2C yesterday. Triple digits for over 40 days.

  3. We still have the best weather in the country here in our little Northwest corner of the USA. Many areas are experiencing weather extremes. In part of our state wild fires still rage. We are still in an extended drought.

  4. How are you doing?

    It is hot here, but no storms.

  5. Your weather certainly sounds unpleasant. I'm glad we don't have really bad thunder storms here. Where I grew up it seemed every week in summer there would be crashing thunder and lightning.

  6. It's the exact same here right now. It was almost 100 degrees, high humidity and now storming bad. Hopefully we don't lose power!


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....