jeudi 3 août 2023

Raindrop keeps falling on my head! 😆

If you are too hot… this is from my son this morning to refresh you 😆!

 This morning, it is all silent, after all that wind noise during all day yesterday. Bandit was scared because of the big noise and feels better today. Going to the vet on Saturday we realised that this little guy is already 9 years old ! As he is always so speedy we forgot about his age. He will soon go to the kennel, but does not like it very much.

I did not listen to the radio yet, but certainly trees fallen, power cuts and flooding on our coasts. Brittany and Corentin. Before we had a lot of power cuts during the winter storms, but in the village the electric cables are underground, so no more power cuts in the village!

Yesterday they had to rescue a mother and her child doing paddle on the sea in the morning whereas it was forbidden to go near the shores! How stupid!

We also had pouring rain 🌧️ during July , but it is all green ! The farmers rushed to cut their crops in between showers and all the crops are sheltered for the winter.

I received part of what I ordered , a head jacket made of recycled plastic bottles.

This morning as usual these days, the rain is pouring!

4 commentaires:

  1. Oh dear, we've had a lot of rain for two weeks now and it's way too cold for summer and yesterday it was still stormy... Today I don't dare to go into the forest because I'm afraid falling branches could hit me... . but I tell you when I see these beautiful Greenland videos of your son...yes...right away...put on some warm clothes and go...thank you very much, It makes me very happy to see this.

  2. You son is traveling to some fascinating places. Your rain and his cold are quite a contrast to our blasting heat in parts of the US and worsening drought in others. then there are storms and torrential rain in others. Weather extremes.

  3. How I wish we could share some of the rain that you've gotten. Everywhere weather seems to be strange.

  4. More beauty from your son!
    I'm sure the farmers are happy with the rain.
    I like the jacket!


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....