samedi 26 août 2023

Fall decoration shopping.

Yesterday, we could breathe again. The air was cool and only 21 C! SO nice!
I went out shopping. I bought some paint to finish my project and went to get some decorative gold leaves. For furniture decoration, but one of my favourite DIY shop is closing another one I went to is closing. Due to the long lockdown and the high prices of life they are closing definitely ! So I must now go on internet to shop.
The shop windows are already have their Fall decorations. So I went to a shop like ( dollar shop)
To get some decorations, but I will use them after our holidays.

And some decorations for the Maileg house
Pumpkin garlands 

This is what I got from the closing shop most of them at one euro and the baby punches for scrapbooking at 4 instead of 17 euros.

 A lot of shops are definitely closing it is so sad when you have been clients for many years.

Next week I will continue my furniture painting I have been able to get some more paint yesterday.

3 commentaires:

  1. Well, it's the same here in the States. Shops I once loved are closed or closing! I'm so upset with our current administration!! Ruining our country!
    Love the things you bought...says Fall is coming!
    Stay well!

  2. It's sad that we have lost so many small businesses, and restaurants too.

  3. Too bad that your craft shops are closing. You did find some good prices on decorations though.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....