mardi 12 novembre 2024

This and that…

Auntie Maud should have run a semi marathon on Sunday, but she caught COVID and could not do it she was disappointed as she did a lot of training.
So she stayed with Max and Will watching TV
She left Dubai yesterday and is back to France.
William is already 7 months old now and training to walk already!
( in fact they all had COVID)

And Maxime with grandma’s blanket.

Winter is approaching! The maple are beginning to turn red and the blue tits are eating peanuts 🥜 

This is not a new bag, but I will use it today with my new shoes bought in the Netherlands, they are very comfortable.

I am going to the hairdresser and then  varnishing the armoire and tidy the room.

7 commentaires:

  1. Snuggle time on the couch! ❤️😊

  2. Awww...adorable babies!!! Hope Maude feels better soon!

  3. Too bad Auntie Maud got Covid. I'm surprised to see her close to the little boys. Is there a danger that they will catch it?

  4. Comfortable shoes are lovely to wear. I hope Auntie Maud is recovering well from her Covid. Such cute little boys.

  5. Wel gezellig zo samen op de bank voor de tv. Jammer dat Maud de halve marathon heeft gemist. Hopelijk is ze weer helemaal hersteld.
    Mooie schoenen, leuke match met de tas.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....