jeudi 26 janvier 2023

This and That …

We all are looking for Spring and Easter 🐣 
This is a piece I found at my mother’s it was my eggcup, I must have had it for Easter.

This is the blue crochet blanket I am working on at the moment. We need blankets to lower the heating bill lol 😆 

Even  Bandit has its blanket

The pink one is for my mother.
I made a mistake and this is today the men for the fibre optic come. Doors are open, so no heating on and these poor guys are digging for four hours now, I don’t know if they will succeed!

There will be a mess in the house because it’s all muddy 

 But we will see.

I have been baking chocolate chips cookies and Lintzer slices using my home made strawberry jam while waiting for them to finish, but I think they’ll spend the day. They made a big hole by now , disappearing in the hole lol 😆.it is very stressing ! I just gave them hot coffee and freshly baked cookies.

We will see what happens, to be continued…

Latest news: they made it! The optic fibre is done outside after five attempts! The inside will be tomorrow. OUF! It’s nearly finished. They have worked from 8 AM to 6 PM!

4 commentaires:

  1. Dear Catherine looking at your beautiful home arrangements give me a feeling that you are very great administrator of your home 👍

    Your fondness for knitting and crocheting reminds me of my own mother she was gardener. Knitter. She loved needle work and crochet as well.
    She had many hens who will roam around with their lot and lot of chicks. Your eggcup brought so many memories as I grew up seeing chick coming out of the egg :)
    Best of luck for work going on in the house. We too here give workmen food and tea

  2. Your blankets are so pretty, I love the colors you chose!! And your dog is so cute! Is he a Jack russell terrier? I am sure you really made the workman's day with your treats for them. The cookies look divine. I love the chicken egg cup, it is adorable!! I think I will look for one on Amazon. What is this lovely plant?

  3. Your blankets are lovely, very nice colors. I hope the work men have finished their work. I am sure they worked very well after getting coffee and cookies!

  4. It can be very disruptive to have that kind of work going on. You have found the perfect solution, baking! It even helps keep the house warmer. I like your colorful blankets.


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