samedi 7 janvier 2023

Patchwork and cooking 🍳

Hello friends !
Today I have put on our bed the patchwork bed cover won at the patchwork club I was going to

 This summer i found at Aldi this raviolis maker kit and I must find a recipe to make some fresh ones.

My DIY of the day! Very easy. Got this embroidery circle from my mon’s and had a beautiful piece of fabric in stock. This afternoon I will get more circles from a shop and use the other bunches of flowers to do different sizes circles to decorate a wall.

I wish you a relaxed weekend.

4 commentaires:

  1. So that's how ravioli is made!

    Beautiful quilt.

  2. The quilt is very pretty. I have never made ravioli, but I do enjoy eating it!

  3. the quilt is beautiful. It shows so much skill and work!
    Have fun making ravioli.

  4. Looks like one women make here too dear Catherine. I have made two in my whole life .as after my marriage when move making ravioli was common hobby here in southern Pakistan Sindh. In rural areas are made prettier and complicated designs.
    Loved yours!


DIY placemats and table scape.

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