mardi 24 janvier 2023

Drawers find and new finds.


Hello Friends,
Yesterday, I went out to get the electricity and water from my mother’s flat cut. Many papers, too many!
But the people there were very helpful.
Then after a long time doing papers I went for a drive to have a break. I went to Action a shop where I get bird food at a reasonable price and also craft items such as cotton and wool.
Opening a drawer I found two candle holders I had forgotten about and two candles I brought from Norway.

I love this one with a deagonfly
I found this cloche last week
It was only 12 euros ( at Leclerc)
And this little mirror ( at Action)yesterday. (7 euros)

Today, I have to go to the ophthalmologist to see for my second cataract surgery. I don’t like eye surgeries!
A taxi  will take me there as Mr L is too busy working.
 I have sent a parcel to Maxim ( my grandson) on the 16th and the post instead of sending it to Dubai has sent it to …Quatar! I have made a complaint yesterday ( it cost 65 euros to send a parcel ) it should normally arrive quickly, but once my parcel went via Ukraine to go to Dubai!
I am always worried when I send something by our post. Fingers crossed it will arrive quickly.
For the post there is no incident, but I said it was an incident when it goes to the wrong country!
Hope Maxim will get my toys, clothes and books 📚!
 Ps: The parcel has arrived today!!

5 commentaires:

  1. You found some beautiful things, that cloche and mirror are so pretty!
    Praying your cataract surgery goes well and I'm so glad Maxim's package arrived. :)

  2. Well, I'm glad Maxime's package arrived'
    You collect lovely things. Do you ever wonder if you will run out of places to put them?

  3. Hi, how exciting to have a follower from France! I loved going shopping with you! My favorites are the drangonfly and beautiful blue and white candle. The mirror must have been a great deal! I am so glad your grandson got his package, how old is he?

  4. I'm glad Maxim's parcel arrived. Sometimes the postal system can be so inefficient (here, too). Your finds are so pretty. I love the mirror and the cloche.


DIY placemats and table scape.

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