jeudi 12 janvier 2023

A collection I like

Today let me show you part of my «  Biscuit » collection. A porcelain baked twice «  bis: two, cuit: baked. These little statues are all wounded and I rescued them!
They are very delicate and I love their soft colours.
Most of them are children and their pets.

 This morning I went to my mothers flat to get the last things and did a lot of paper for her, bank, post…

I have some people to remove the furniture ..and clean before I give the keys back to the landlord.
It is nearly over and then I will be able to relax and do some other activities.
This afternoon I am watching tv and doing some knitting for Maxime.
Today the weather is gry, windy but no rain I like to stay inside!

3 commentaires:

  1. Oh, those little figurines are so charming. I see why you collect them.
    I'm happy for you that you are almost finished dealing with your mother's former apartment and possessions. It's a big job, and a sad one.

  2. You've rescued a lot. They are very sweet!
    I'm so glad you are nearly done with the move and taking care of your moms things.

  3. What a charming collection of figurines - and as someone interested in words, I was very interested in your explanation of the word, biscuit!


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