lundi 16 janvier 2023

Monday chat.

Using the meringues in a Pavlova my way.

It was hard to whipped the cream as I forgot to get a full cream and use a light cream but …I managed to get something correct.

On Saturday evening we had friends for dinner and I baked this apple tart.
I glazed it with apple jelly. We love apples 🍎 in Normandy!
These are my morning baking. Apple roses.
I did some once but wanted to try again in order to make a big apple roses tart.
The edges of the roses should be red, but my oven is very quick and the cooking time was very long… and I was doing two things at the same time as usual!  ( I think when you had children you are doing two things at the same time for ever 😆!

But I think they look like roses and I must adjust the baking time.
I am very stressed at the moment and baking is my way to relax, like crochet. This afternoon will be  nearly the final chapter of my mother’s flat removal.

I must go and see the people who cleaned the flat, but before go to the post office to get her mail to go to my address ( many papers to fill!)
Send a parcel to Dubai to my grandson, go to the bank to get her mail ( many papers to fill)
Then come home  🏠 
The very last thing I will have to do cancel electricity, water and TV!  We are giving the keys back on Friday 😮‍💨Mr L is in charge of ordering some apple and pear cutters on Amazon and I will continue baking…

Thanks to Mary my fridge is nearly in order! Mr L has ordered a second set of boxes! They are very useful.
Today we are having a big wind storm and rain and grey skies. But i put some bright colours in my granny square crochet!
I must go out this afternoon I will try a way without trees because of the storm.

5 commentaires:

  1. I think you are an excellent cook! Your baked goods look so good and are so pretty too.
    Glad those boxes are working out well in the fridge!

  2. Oh, your apple roses are just so lovely!

  3. Now that you tell us that baking is a stress reducer for you, I understand why you are making all these fancy desserts!
    Sending good thoughts to you for managing all you mother's business.

  4. It will be such a relief to have everything concerning your mother's flat all settled. Meanwhile you are making such wonderful desserts. The apple roses definitely look like roses!

  5. Your apple roses are beautiful, Catherine! And the apple tart, too. I'm sure your guests loved it.
    There is much to do with moving your mother and emptying her flat. Soon it will be done and you can relax. Take time to breathe.


DIY placemats and table scape.

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