mardi 17 janvier 2023

“Miracle garden” and “Pink pralines Brioche”

(Source: Places wow)
These are not my pictures , I can’t find them, but I just found some on my Facebook this morning. Two years ago my son , his wife and I went to the Miracle garden Dubai in the desert. It’s quite big and we had a nice time together despite of the heat! So many flowers!
It’s in the desert and certainly uses a lot of water, but when you visit it , it is astonishing.
I must have a look for my own photos…

Today, I have some shopping to do, but before I must make a special “ Brioche” and some yoghurts. 
And in the afternoon re organise my dressing.
Outside it is freezing and I hope it won’t be slippery on the roads. We may have some snow! Back to winter again.

I remember I took a picture of the children here 

 (Source: Places wow) Many thanks for your visits and Comments!
Pralines are almonds covered with pink sugar 
They are found on fairs and are a speciality from Lyon.

5 commentaires:

  1. That is an amazing flower garden. I wonder how often it is replanted.

  2. Truly amazing gardens, what an array of colours.

  3. Wow! That is an amazing garden, just beautiful!
    More gorgeous baked goods too. I think you could open a bakery.

  4. What an impressive garden! I can just imagine how much water it took to grow those colourful blooms in the desert. What a delicious looking piece of baking you've created, too. Stay warm!


DIY placemats and table scape.

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