lundi 30 octobre 2023

A hurricane is predicted.

(Source: ZZZOe)

Hello Friends!

We are preparing ourselves to two very big storms. They say we will have hurricanes  one Wednesday night and on Sunday. The trees having still their leaves and as it has been raining a lot they could be uprooted.

We only had one in1999 the day after Xmas and the winds were nearly 200 kms.

We will be busy taking things outside and I hope the roof won’t be damaged. They have partly stopped a boat race waiting for better weather.

We are not used to such a weather here and I am really scared. There was no damage on our house in 1999 I hope everything goes well.

See you soon.

dimanche 29 octobre 2023

A rainy Sunday.

It’s a rainy and cold Sunday and I have cooked apples and pears and baked an apple tart for my husband as I am on a diet. Two kilos lost this week!
Then I continued my scrapbooking with all I had in my boxes. I decided to order some scrapbooking items in the USA which will arrive within two weeks. I ordered from “Stamprints” they have a huge amount of items.
It is a nice FIY for winter.
This is what I did yesterday and today , but waiting for my order to embellish and finish theses pages.
What will you do during the Autumn and winter rainy days?

samedi 28 octobre 2023

vendredi 27 octobre 2023

Keeping busy!

 (Source: ZZZOe)

Four years ago, after my last travel to Japan 🇯🇵 I made this small scrapbook. Here it is…

Today, I did not know what to do except the housework and did not want to go out, so I started a new one with vintage pictures I had in stock for long.

Vintage postcard

Made some tags, but did not finish yet.
This week with my doctor husband I decided to start a diet! Well I have many kilos to loose after surgeries and treatments. So I have to keep busy.
1,7 kilos lost this week!
Trade mill each day and diet. I want to loose five kilos quickly ( because of high blood pressure) them slowly until a reasonable weight for my age.

It is difficult, but less difficult after some days.
My husband is getting food outside for tonight from our Mediterranean and healthy restaurant tonight, so no cooking tonight! But not before half past eight 🕣 it will be long!

jeudi 26 octobre 2023

Autumn cleaning in the garden.

This morning I repaired my children music boxes, but one is working with a wire and I have to find it.

Hello friends 

This is what my son in law cut yesterday. It was going into the neighbour’s field, who gently asked me when we had a chat, to cut them before they grow tall.

It has been a hard work!

He fixed our computers, looked at the garage lock which is broken, recharged the mower battery and then we started it and it was in order again.

We have the robot, but it is going in maintenance during winter and nowadays the grass continues to grow further in the year.

Two years ago we have planted a mini apple tree and this is part of my harvest! For my decoration.Aren’t they sweet?

I am staying home today and probably do some crafting. I look at  Pinterest to get new 💡…

Hope you’ll have a nice day.


mercredi 25 octobre 2023

Cinnamon biscuit with an apple 🍎 glaze cider.

 Today, my son in law is cutting some wood in our prairie. So I have baked him a cinnamon  biscuit with an apple 🍎 glaze cider on top.
As I leave in Normandy the country of apple and cider
It tempted me to bake it!

I had the recipe from:” The charm of home”

I tried it, it taste very good, but it is still warm it is better when cold with the glaze. I managed to do the recipe having cups  to measure…

He had some after his work and was very pleased with it, he said it was very good!

mardi 24 octobre 2023

Halloween 🎃 DIY and my village.

Just coming out of the oven!

This is how we like to cuddle in Autumn !

 Today, it is sunny and I went out to get something I forgot to buy. This afternoon I am going to walk to the post ✉️ office.

This year I have done some little suitcases decorating 
This one and that one.
Today, I am starting a new one I had in stock.

Back from the post office. From the last picture this is what I saw on my way:
The post office which was before the town hall, in front of it is the entrance of our little church then I passed the cometary where people are cleaning their family tombs for “ la Toussaint” In November.
Then I passed the small arch and passed a White House which I s behind our field ( holiday house all closed)
Then a kind of Manor, the presbytery, behind it’s gate number 20, then a house that looks abandoned, but it is not ( I think it could be very nice ) then the house of the people in the past that ring the church bells 🔔 “la maison du sonneur”
And our new “ Mairie” town hall replacing the place where we paid taxes before. ( we unfortunately still pay taxes even if it is closed! 😆 
Here is part of the village where I live in Normandy!

The day!

Here we are! 21 kms’race! Our daughter is ready and has left with her father. It won’t be raining it’s a good news. A lot of runners more th...