jeudi 12 octobre 2023

What to do during a rainy day?

Today, I did a test on my craft room cabinet.
This is the result. It is not flat but emphasised. I will leave them white but you can paint them with the background colour.

 Now I must finish the second part, and last one of the desk! And it will be finished ! I did the primer and wait for it to dry.

While waiting I am sewing velvet pumpkins 🎃 I only found this blue velvet…and I made them with self drying clay, then I must paint them.
This is what it is going to look like before painting.

Keeping busy! 😆 

1 commentaire:

Our daily routine is back

 Hello friends! like this picture of grandpa and Maxime at the zoo.) Yesterday, we had Maxime on Skype. He was happy to see us and happy dad...