lundi 27 février 2023

Vintage dresses from the past

 Yesterday, Bandit went for a long walk with his dad and stayed outside all after noon with him running in the garden. So, this morning he feels very, very tired!

And he is having a nap 💤 

Mr L has already cut part of our field grass. The second part I would like him to cut only all around and keep high grass in the middle for the biodiversity and  only make a path. The next door cat Ceasar has spent the day there hunting in the short grass, this is easier for him to catch mice 🐁 !

Vintage girl dess details
All was handmade
All pleated
A vintage lace top this will go to my daughter in law as she liked it.
My Laura Ashley wedding dress. It’s Laura Ashley 70’s Anniversary! I was in my 20’s! A long time!

Thé top of the girl dress
Another hand made girl dress
The top of my wedding dress
The delicate lace of the corsage.

My other 80’s Laura Ashley cocktail dress velvet and taffetas.
All the details were handmade!

3 commentaires:

  1. Dear Catherine, what beautiful clothes! I enjoyed looking at them.
    Bandit is very cute when he sleeps. :)
    Mr L is very hardworking.
    I was happy to be here again. All the best, Éva

  2. The handwork that never idle hands created long ago is just amazing.

  3. I love seeing those pieces of vintage clothing! And your wedding dress is in such great condition.
    Bandit looks cute and content.


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!