vendredi 24 février 2023

Preparing the day…

Yesterday, I hung the cross stitched Robins. I used an embroidery hoop I found at my mother’s.

 (Source : Marie Claire idées magazine)

Hello friends!

I am waiting for my taxi and was looking at  my « Marie Claire idées » magazine and found a recipe I made a long time ago. I learned it in  a British family during my stays in the country. « Bread and Butter pudding » this recipe includes pears 🍐. It should be good!

While waiting, I went for a garden tour and looked at the coming peonies ( this is last year bloom)

This is how it looks like at the moment.

Magnolia will soon be blooming.

The taxi was on time, and I arrived early to find where to go . The ultrasound was very quick and the doctor said my two eyes were VERY similar which is very rare! So I  am  in a way a special person! 😆 ( only because of my eyes!! 👀 i did not know about that!)

Then I lost a lot of time to do my admission, a lot of time…so I had to pay extra for the taxi.

Next week I start again to go and see the anesthetist 

Then Mr L is coming with me on the surgery day .

All is on the way!…

5 commentaires:

  1. I Love peonies! A gorgeous flower!
    Prayers for your surgery!

  2. Terwijl ik naar je mooie bloemenfoto's kijk begin ik nog meer naar de warmere dagen van het voorjaar te verlangen.
    Altijd weer spannende dagen in voorbereiding naar je oogoperatie,
    hoop voor jou dat je straks weer met heldere blik de wereld in kan kijken.Dat je ogen veel op elkaar lijken kan gelukkig geen kwaad.
    Kreeg eind vorig jaar na vele maanden van onderzoeken bij verschillende specialisten de diagnose een niet te genezen bindweefsel aandoening Systemische Sclerose te hebben die 1op de 10.000 mensen treft in Nederland.......had liever bij het aantal gezeten wat het niet treft.Dat ik ook een van de redenen dat ik lang geen blogposten meer schrijf(wil die draad wel weer op gaan pakken)

    Een fijn weekeind gewenst en succes met operatie,

  3. Early signs of spring are so exciting to those of us who enjoy nature.
    Best wishes as you progress to your surgery.

  4. I think you are special in more ways! :)
    I used to do cross stitch. I love your little birds!
    Peonies are so pretty. We can't get them to bloom here, but I them whenever I see them.
    Praying your surgery goes well.

  5. It is good to read that your eye ultrasound went well. I also think like Mari that you are a special person in many ways. I like your photos again. Enjoy the day.


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!