lundi 6 février 2023

Like a Monday.

 Today, is the first day of a frosty week. We are back to winter again. 

On Saturday, we had the visit of our daughter and husband and we had a «  crêpe » ( pan cake) meal for Candlemas. Crepes with ham, egg and cheese. On Saturday and Sunday I had Maxime on Skype. They have had a nice time on Seychelles islands and they are now back to Dubai.

My daughter took my mother’s Tv and family pictures I brought back from her flat.

Mr L helped me to store Xmas decorations and things we wanted to put away.

We will have a cold, but sunny ☀️ week.

Yesterday, I noticed the daffodils pointing out and the weeping willows leaves already coming out.

This morning, I ordered my last taxi drive ro the clinic in Rouen for my eye surgery. Many taxi drives! Three before, then surgery ( Mr L is coming) and two post surgery. 

Morning ☕️ coffee with macaroons and I found my Polaroid camera ( it was one of my children’s present)

The weather being sunny I will use it this afternoon.

Enjoy your Monday!( sunny but cold)

6 commentaires:

  1. That's such a beautiful cup and saucer. And the macarons look delicious! Stay cozy and warm!

  2. Happy Monday! Glad the sun is shining for you. It is here too.
    I love the cup and saucer!

  3. Your cup, saucer, and spoon are s beautiful! The spoon handle looks like mother-of-pearl. Congratulations on the very last trip for your eye!

  4. I like it that you surround yourself with such pretty things.

  5. Just had to stop by and say how much I like that cup and saucer.

    All the best Jan


Our daily routine is back

 Hello friends! like this picture of grandpa and Maxime at the zoo.) Yesterday, we had Maxime on Skype. He was happy to see us and happy dad...