lundi 31 mai 2021

A day in the forest.


Yesterday, was my husband’s 63rd Birthday and also Mother’s Day. We spent the day at our daughter’s cabin in the forest.
We had a barbecue and a Birthday cake, the weather was fine and warm enough.
Today, I have cut an iris which was bending on the ground and took it inside.
Then, after all these rain, I cleaned the downstairs window,
Cleaned the outside table ready for barbecues!
This afternoon, I received my son’s present for Mother’s Day.
Some cream from the blue lagoon direct from Iceland.
My daughter gave me a Bougainvillea.

On Saturday, I had my second injection and changed my glasses.
We went out to our favorite village and had our breakfast outside
As my appointment for the injection was at 8 o’clock 30 km from home.

We had to drive in the country with many fields and then through a forest.
We appreciate the sun and warmth!
I wish you a good week.

5 commentaires:

  1. I am a little bit late but I wish you a happy birthday to your husband. It is good that you could go out and the weather was quite nice: sunny and not cold.
    The iris is nice, it is also good that you took it inside. It decorates your house.
    Tomorrow is June, I hope that it will be better than the May was.

  2. We are enjoying the warmth of the sun now too. It will come and go, of course.
    Iris are the most amazing flowers.

  3. I see such pretty poppies, the kind they wear to remember the fallen soldiers of the World Wars. That birthday cake looks amazing. Prettiest of all is that unusual iris! I like when they fall over because then I do not feel bad cutting them and bringing the blossom inside!

  4. The Bougainvillea is very lovely also that Iris. It's a colour I don't think I've ever seen. I hope yesterday was lovely for you and your husband.

  5. A belated Happy Birthday to your husband. Your day of celebration sounded lovely. The iris you cut is an unusual colour, and very pretty.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....