lundi 24 mai 2021

The thatched house road and Victor Hugo.

We are in Victor Hugo daughter’s house.

This is his daughter Léopoldine. He has lost his daughter who was drowned in the river Seine in front of her house.
He wrote the poem «  Demain des l’Aube » in memory of his daughter. I love this house, this is a very romantic place.


This is a rare picture how they make thatched house roof
Only few people can do it now. I am glad to have the opportunity to take a picture.

Hello Friends,
The weather was very bad, but we tried to go and visit one of our favorite place «  thatched houses road »
«  la route des chaumières »
The picture above is a typical Normand well.
These houses are along the river Seine.
Then we had heavy showers had to wait in the car and then find a place to be protected by the rain.

Then we found shelter in Victor Hugo’s daughter’s

( this post is a common post with my other blog)

8 commentaires:

  1. Beautiful photos! I always think it's interesting to see how thatching is done. (I have a grandson named Thatcher!)

  2. Such a beautiful place! I feel like I'm stepping back in time.

  3. Thank you, thank you for sharing these photos! I absolutely love Les Miserables, although I found it very sad. What a mind Victor Hugo had. What a treasure of a writer. I did not know about his daughter. Those thatched roofs are INCREDIBLE!

  4. So much history where you live, and so much beauty.

  5. I also like the photos. You could see nice places.

  6. De weersomstandigheden zijn ook in Nederland bar en boos te noemen,geen weer om er opuit te gaan.

    Wanneer ik het leven van Victor Hugo zo eens doorneem heeft hij niet enkel een rijk leven gekend(waaruit hij de mens veel nagelaten heeft)maar ook een met veel ellende en familie tragedie.

    In Nederland hebben we nog veel oude en nieuwe rietgedekte huizen, bijgebouwen en boerderijenen en een aantal rietdekkerbedrijven die ongeveer aan 1500 man werk biedt.

    Hartelijke groet,

  7. I studied Demain dès l'aube in a French literature course at university and wept when I first read it. It is so beautiful and so heart-rending. How lovely to see the house where she once lived. Beautiful gardens.
    Thatched houses are very pretty and unique. I'm glad you had a nice outing.

  8. What a lovely spot to happily wander around for a few hours. Thanks for the photos :)


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....