vendredi 7 mai 2021

Before and after...

Hello Friends, this is how the garden usually look like... but, after frost and rain this is how it looks like! The hydrangeas have suffered a lot from the frost and I don’t think we will have flowers.


Today, we are having sun, but still cold! Bandit likes to sleep in the sun he is chilly!

6 commentaires:

  1. The photos are nice. I also like Bandit when he is sleeping.He could find the best place for himself to sleep.
    The weather is cloudy here, and in the morning it was raining, too.
    I had to go doing my shopping. I was happy to come back. I will not go out again today.

  2. It's very sad that wind and rain have destroyed the flowers that you usually would have at this time of the year. Hopefully some plants will recover.

  3. It's so sad that frost has damaged so many of your beautiful flowering plants.

  4. Bandit is like my Champie, always wanting the warm during wintery times. I think it's because they have no wooly hair, just the slick hair! I love the photos of your garden. What a restful, lovely place. I think it will start slow this year, but there will be much beauty again once it is truly in summer. At least that is my hope for you!

  5. One thing I have learnt over the years is that Nature always recovers. If things don't flower this year, they probably will next year :)
    Your garden still has some beautiful blooms in it, going by those pictures :) xx

  6. I am sorry to see that the weather has damaged the flowering. We will have rain here tomorrow, but it will be welcomed rain.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....