mercredi 12 mai 2021

Starting to bloom...


Hello Friends,

Finally the flowers are coming out.
I love my “ black eye Suzanne “ in french the orange and black little flower.
The rhododendrons are starting to bloom and the Azalée is becoming beautiful.
I have two kinds of “Mary’s heart” we call it “cœur de Marie”
I have one pink and one a white one.
The olive trees survived, they were protected but suffered from the frost.the columbines are blooming everywhere in the garden
They are of different colours.
It is sunny outside, but still cold. I would love to sit outside but only 14C it is cold...

This rose bush is at one corner of the house and will be full of small pale orange roses.

8 commentaires:

  1. Oh, you have a lovely garden!

  2. What a beautiful garden you have. Our columbines are blooming just now, too. Coeur de Marie is called Bleeding Heart in English. I used to have some in the garden, but they disappeared. The rhododendrons and azaleas are such pretty colours.

  3. Oh, such pretty pictures. I do love the flowers of spring.

  4. Everything is looking so pretty in your garden Catherine. We are in full autumn mode here now so I have leaves everywhere. Enjoy your day.😊

  5. Oh my! So beautiful - especially after the rain.

  6. Gorgeous blooms! I hope it warms up so you can be outside more. It's just getting warm enough to enjoy the outdoors here in Minnesota. God bless!


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!