jeudi 20 mai 2021

This and that...

 Hello Friends,

My father who was a carpenter made me this small cupboard to go in between the two doors.

What’s inside? Let’s open the doors...

Some small vintage vases I found in brocantes, I love the very old one with angels, the others are from England.

The flower is from Japan, a flower women wear in their hair.

The white flower crown is from my daughter’s communion. 

The wooden panel is from Netherlands and says “ welcome in our home” and the little statues are from my collection of biscuits.

I love angel statues !

Well I hope you enjoyed the visit!

4 commentaires:

  1. The cupboard is beautiful and so are the treasures it holds.

  2. Your father made a lovely cupboard and you've filled it with such beautiful pieces. I especially love the pitchers ( jugs) with flowers.

  3. That cupboard is beautiful and even more of a treasure because your Dad made it!

  4. Voorwerpen in huis met een dierbare herinnering moet je koesteren.
    Ik heb die ook.
    Jij hebt een pronkkast, zoals in Nederland grote mode was onder de welgestelde in de Gouden-Eeuw.



Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....