mercredi 5 mai 2021

Let us travel!

View from the balcony of the flat.

 View on my way to my daily walk.

In the Mall

Way through some hotels and way to my favorite place «  Shakespeare and co » restaurant !


The metro
Hello Friends,

Because of the Covid, I have not been to see my son in Dubai for now two years. He has been living there for ten years now.
The two first pictures were taken from my son’s flat.
I love the evening lights and the cooler temperature. 
The fourth picture is my everyday walk, I walk by the lake and this also the way to the Mall, one of the big shopping center ( 1300 shops) the place to be when it’s too hot.
The turtles and snail are decorating the shopping festival in January. The wall and divers are in the Mall and there is also a huge aquarium.all these pictures are taken on my daily walk.
The building having the shape of a boat is the opera.
The four buildings one was  where I was staying .

Abu Dhabi mosque

Now my son I living there, and it is a very nice place. A village in the town.

This picture is from the Dubai marina.

Love the green of the water!

I love to capture the different lights.

We were there some year’s ago for Xmas and new year, when the 
Hôtel had an explosion and began to burn. It was just before midnight . The two pictures were taken the next day. It was really terrifying! The pictures were taken from my son’s previous flat.
Strange end of year!

4 commentaires:

  1. Wow! It's really a beautiful place. I love the dandelion sculptures!

  2. I am amazed by the architecture, the use of water, and the public statuary! It's just incredible. The burning building, so tall, is a frightening sight. It must have been shocking to your son and all who live there!

  3. What amazing buildings! The fire must have caused a lot of upset. I hope no one died as a result.

  4. What a beautiful city. I hope that you are soon able to visit your son again. It all looks very clean and well planned.


Blog pause.

 Hello Friends, I am taking a blog pause for the moment  and will come back and see you later. 👋  All the best to you!