lundi 31 mai 2021

A day in the forest.


Yesterday, was my husband’s 63rd Birthday and also Mother’s Day. We spent the day at our daughter’s cabin in the forest.
We had a barbecue and a Birthday cake, the weather was fine and warm enough.
Today, I have cut an iris which was bending on the ground and took it inside.
Then, after all these rain, I cleaned the downstairs window,
Cleaned the outside table ready for barbecues!
This afternoon, I received my son’s present for Mother’s Day.
Some cream from the blue lagoon direct from Iceland.
My daughter gave me a Bougainvillea.

On Saturday, I had my second injection and changed my glasses.
We went out to our favorite village and had our breakfast outside
As my appointment for the injection was at 8 o’clock 30 km from home.

We had to drive in the country with many fields and then through a forest.
We appreciate the sun and warmth!
I wish you a good week.

vendredi 28 mai 2021

Mother’s Day. Hello

 Happy Mother’s Day!

On my way...

 Hello Friends,

On my way to our little post office ( opened only two hours a day)
I met these animals on my way on the village common grounds.
When I was spending my Holidays in England, I remember the children speaking of the commons.

This makes me think of when I was 11 I used to spend my holidays  with an English family in Amersham Buckinghamshire.
I liked to stay with this family of five children as I was an only child.
I must tell you the story of John C who was an 18 year old soldier
Who came to France and these young soldiers often came to my grandmother who had 9 children.
After the war the two mothers made friends and long after I went to meet them and took my grand parents to see John’s parents.
This was my second family!

Coming back to the common, full of buttercups, they don’t have to use lawn mower, but they have donkeys, goats...
These animals are from a place just across the street, a place where they do animal therapy for the people who have different problems.
Their animals pasture there during the day.
I hope you will have a nice weekend , here it will be Mother’s day!

jeudi 27 mai 2021

Magazines, books and garden.

 Hello Friends,

Today, we have SUN! Only until Sunday.But it is nice!

With all that rain, the garden is now full of grass and weeds!

Today before I go out this afternoon, I will show you one of my hobbies,  books and magazines.

I am far from the town, so each month I go and get my favorite magazines.

This is an apple crate I put wheels on and keep my Nordique Living in. These magazines are from Denmark. I love them.
Before I used to read English issue of Country Living and US issue of Victoria magazine.
I keep them preciously and look at them from time to time.
Today I will cook with this book.

Now, let me you my new application I have got with my garden robot. You can see were I live.  

The first picture is our field at the back and the second one the front garden with the robot working , so I know where he is and I can drive it from my phone. Helps me a lot now! As I I am not allowed to go on my mower.

Today, I think it will be possible to go out for a walk!😃

I wish you a lovely day!

mercredi 26 mai 2021

Cherries and Clafoutis recipe.

 Hello Friends,

Saturday we went to the fruit shop, like every Saturday and bought the first cherries of the year.
I love cherries and these ones were very sweet.
I remembered I had a “ Nature morte” I think it is “Stiill life”
About fruits and cake.
I bought it on internet on a place where you can sell or buy what you don’t want any more. In France it’s called “ le bon coin”
Unfortunately there are no cherries on it!
But I like it very much. Our grandmother had this kind of frames in their kitchen our dining room.
This is a reproduction of a painting but still nice and vintage.
Wit the cherries, I made a clafoutis .
I always make the clafoutis Limousin.
100gr flour
90gr sugar
6 eggs
1/4 liter milk
750gr cherries
Pinch of salt
1soup spoon Kirsch ( cherry alcohol)
Mix flour eggs salt
Add a little milk stir
Add the milk little by little 
Like pan cakes.
Add the cherries and bake 35 mn in oven 6 or 7 
Gaz 205 - 230 watching from time to time.
Them put some icing sugar on top and eat warm.
This is delicious and easy!

New born Iris!

lundi 24 mai 2021

The thatched house road and Victor Hugo.

We are in Victor Hugo daughter’s house.

This is his daughter Léopoldine. He has lost his daughter who was drowned in the river Seine in front of her house.
He wrote the poem «  Demain des l’Aube » in memory of his daughter. I love this house, this is a very romantic place.


This is a rare picture how they make thatched house roof
Only few people can do it now. I am glad to have the opportunity to take a picture.

Hello Friends,
The weather was very bad, but we tried to go and visit one of our favorite place «  thatched houses road »
«  la route des chaumières »
The picture above is a typical Normand well.
These houses are along the river Seine.
Then we had heavy showers had to wait in the car and then find a place to be protected by the rain.

Then we found shelter in Victor Hugo’s daughter’s

( this post is a common post with my other blog)

Family team

Some are resting 😴 with ears straight up!while other member of the family are doing sports!!! My daughter has sent me this picture taken by...