dimanche 28 février 2021

Happy March!

Sorry Today there is a problem, I cannot leave any comments on blogs, blogger does Not work.

Hello friends,
Yesterday, we had a nice quite day. Having Birthday lunch with our daughter and her husband.
Then, we went into the garden but it was freezing cold and my son- in - law always brings his tools in case I have something to do in the house. He did some repairs and put some light in our closet which is very convenient, I think we will put lights in all our dressings and closets.
My husband wants to retire within two or three years, so I we want the house to be ready on time for sale.

We are now in March and wish you all the best! Happy March!

A meal from the mountain: raclette.

Hello friends,

Today, no barbecue as it is freezing again. After we had 18C we have negative temperature today, so I am making a « Raclette » this is potatoes with melted cheese called Raclette and mountain ham.

You cook your own meal which is easy and quick my children love it and it is fun. You can also cook your own egg....
Dad, is going to get his daughter’s Birthday cake with a candle 36 on it! Time flies so quickly!
Thank you for all your visits and comments. 
Have a nice Sunday.

samedi 27 février 2021

End of closet makeover

 Hello friends,

Today, we are tired because we finished the makeover of the closet, before our daughter.s Birthday lunch tomorow. We have not seen her since Xmas because of the virus.

She works in the hospital and they have not been vaccinated yet and my husband is a general practitioner 

So we live constantly with the virus around us.  You never know what is going to happen, but we want to see her for this special day. We will be careful as usual and will try to enjoy this day.

My son who lives in Dubai had Covid cases in his firm. Here they have 4000 cases everyday, in a small country. So, we have to carry on « blogging » and take good care of each other.

Hope you are all having a good Sunday.

vendredi 26 février 2021

Winner of the giveaway

The winner of the giveaway is Marit Johanne  from » Marits hobby blog » from Norway.


My village.


Hello friends,

Today, I decided to take my stick and go walking in the village to show you where I live.
This is a village of 1000 people, but most of the people are now young people working out of the village, so it is empty during the week and the oldest now stay inside because of the virus.
Now we have a curfew at 6 pm and they switch all the lights and it is a very strange atmosphere.
The first picture is an arch in the wall that was around the village, the second one the lane going to the graveyard and church. The house was the presbytery’ then two manors.the piece of roof is typical of one end of a normand house. Then, the church a day piece of an old typical wall. A small cottage and the lawn

in the middle of the village.
Today, it is a spring day and we will have a nice week end.
I will give the giveaway result by the end of the afternoon.

mercredi 24 février 2021

Last day for the giveaway!

 Hello friends,

Yesterday, was a busy day. My daughter is coming on Sunday for her Birthday lunch and I did not make the curtain for her log cabin yet. So I have been sewing the curtain and a cushion with the rest of the fabric.
I have been round the garden, but now I can’t  do some gardening anymore because of my back surgery.
Before, I used to mow the lawn, but now it’s a robot that cuts the grass!
Today, I have to do some painting on the door closet and by Saturday it will be finished.
i have to sit to do the painting on the lower parts, because I am not allow to bend even when I clean the windows...I did all the downstairs windows yet.
On Sunday, for lunch, I think we will have a barbecue. The weather is fine and 20C’ barbecue and birthday cake! We will be the four of us, as my son cannot come from Dubai and because we respect the sanitary conditions at the moment.

First Camélia flower.
Today, is the last day if you want to take part in the Emma Bridgewater giveaway.
This is a picture of the curtain and cushion I made yesterday and the picture of the mug giveaway.

mardi 23 février 2021

A return in the Past....

 Hello friends, 

Today, let me show you these two pictures I found in a « vide grenier » if I translate  Empty Attic or Garage sale. They date back to 1934 date of the child first communion equivalent to the confirmation in certain countries. It’s a Catholic ancien first communion.

The child received this picture proving he had been baptised  and accept the fact he renew his wish to be a Catholic.

At this time, the parents framed it and it was hang in the home besides the parents wedding photo most of the time.

I love these pictures, because they are old part of the memories, they are not valuable for some people, but valuable to me.

Yesterday, was a beautiful sunny day 16C and I could go in the garden. I could see the horses next door sun bathing!the birds are busy nesting , it’s the coming of Spring!

Happy Birthday!

 Hello friends,

For her Birthday, let me show you how is now the little girl on the picture I ‘ve shown you yesterday.

Once a year, brother and sister goes on a trip together. Now we have four of them as they both got married and all birthdays in February and March.

On this special day I want to wish my daughter Maud a very Happy Birthday!

Don’t forget result Giveaway Friday evening!

I was trying to remember from my first blog 7 years ago to use « Big huge labs » to make mosaic 

And finally I found it.

lundi 22 février 2021

Thanks and Birthday. Daisy tea cup and saucer

 Hello friends,

Tomorow, this little girl will be 36 years old. Time flies!

Last year in September, I had a big surgery on the spinal cord ( a Schwannome) A benign tumor, but it was on the nerves of the spinal cord and compressing the nerves, so I suffered a lot and start to be paralyzed.

If I did the surgery I could be paralyzed or have brain damages. I decided to give my trust to the surgeon.

I choose a woman we talked together and I told her, I gave her my trust and she decided to do the surgery on 11th of September.

I had to stay 3 days in my hospital bed without moving my body and my head to protect my brain.

It was the hardest days in my life despite the fact they had to cut three vertebras to get to the spinal cord.

This little girl I had looked after, then have looked after me.

As she works in this hospital, she came every morning, lunch time and evening to look after me.

She put some relaxing music , give me a massage on the legs and  it was a real pain relief for me.

Now I am home, from September to December I could not go out, it will  take one year to recover.

But I can walk again, thanks to my surgeon  and thanks to God.

We don’ t have Thanksgiving Day here, but on that day I thanked  my daughter for her help and support.

And tomorow i will wish her a «  Very Happy Birthday »

Spring with Daisies. A few years ago, I found this tea cup and saucer Digoin Sarreguemines with beautiful colors and Daisies, Spring colors!
I think it dates back to the 50’s, but it’s always in good condition and very shiny.
Here, we could leave the door opened yesterday and we are having11C already this morning.
I wish you a good day and a good week.

Family team.

Some are resting 😴 with ears straight up!while other member of the family are doing sports!!! My daughter has sent me this picture taken by...