mardi 23 février 2021

A return in the Past....

 Hello friends, 

Today, let me show you these two pictures I found in a « vide grenier » if I translate  Empty Attic or Garage sale. They date back to 1934 date of the child first communion equivalent to the confirmation in certain countries. It’s a Catholic ancien first communion.

The child received this picture proving he had been baptised  and accept the fact he renew his wish to be a Catholic.

At this time, the parents framed it and it was hang in the home besides the parents wedding photo most of the time.

I love these pictures, because they are old part of the memories, they are not valuable for some people, but valuable to me.

Yesterday, was a beautiful sunny day 16C and I could go in the garden. I could see the horses next door sun bathing!the birds are busy nesting , it’s the coming of Spring!

2 commentaires:

  1. As as Catholic, I would definitely treasure such a picture, too! Beautiful! So glad it is safe and "rescued" by you!

  2. The pictures are beautiful, and interesting history. It reminds me about a picture I had by my bed as a child. It was a picture of an angel, and with my name and date for when I was baptised. The baptised child got it from the church.


Our daily routine is back

 Hello friends! like this picture of grandpa and Maxime at the zoo.) Yesterday, we had Maxime on Skype. He was happy to see us and happy dad...