lundi 8 février 2021

Curtain making for log cabin.

 Hello friends

This week, I will have to make a curtain for my daughter’s log cabin.

A few years ago, my daughter and her husband have bought a piece of land in the forest and decided to build by themselves a log cabin for their week ends.

They love forest and wild animals.

I found some fabric from a German e shop “ Buttinrtte”

And I have made some cushions already, but this week I have to sew a curtain for their bedroom.

The fabric I am going to use is the last picture. Looks like wood does’nt it?

I don’t have newer pictures, but it is nearly finished.

The little stove is working and they are still working hard!

My daughter created a garden with a fence all around it and last summer she had some fruits, artichoke...

I will take a picture when it is all finished!

3 commentaires:

  1. That fabric fooled me at first. I thought there was firewood stacked inside along the wall, not pillows! What a lovely home they are building. I lived in a log cabin on an island, long ago now.

  2. What great fabrics you found for this cabin in the woods.

  3. The fabric is lovely and so in keeping with the surroundings, I like the cushions too - you have chosen well. How wonderful it must be to stay there with the log fire ablaze listening at night to foxes and woodland creatures :)


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....