vendredi 16 avril 2021

A very cold Spring.



Hello Friends,
Today, I went to have a look at our new plantations, some have suffered from the frost. But I hope with next week better temperatures they will be ok.
I took a picture of the sheep next door, they are loosing their wool
A good thing for the birds using their wool to make their nest.
I am collecting empty abandoned nests , I wonder how such small animals can build these nests, it must be hard work and then they just spend their days feeding their babies.
We aqualung can hear the babies crying for food.
Nono the robot is doing a very good job!
I have left a bush for the birds, they like to hide their especially the Robin.
I hope my environment will enlarge as soon as I get better and that I will be able to take pictures from outside the home and garden!
I wish you a lovely weekend!

6 commentaires:

  1. De tijd dat jij je verder kan verplaatsen dan in en rondom het huis komt vast wel weer.
    Wat de natuur in de lente betreft kunnen we niets afdwingen maar wachten we geduldig af wat er gaat komen.
    Ja vogelnesten zijn leuke objecten om mee te decoreren.

    Fijne dag en lieve groet,

  2. It has been a cold April in many places. Now we hope it will be warmer, so everything can grow and flourish. Beautiful painting too, with bird's nest and eggs!

  3. We are very warm here this weekend, 70's and perhaps 80, not typical for Seattle in April. It is bringing out all of the tulips. I often marvel at the engineering and construction skills of birds in building their nests.

  4. It is cold here too, but Spring is slowly breaking through.
    I love nests and have one set out on an old scale in my living room.
    Your photos are just beautiful!

  5. I love your art. The soft hues are so pretty and really evoke a mood. Those baby birds have it good with the wool to keep them warm! Maybe the cold weather now means a mild summer and less bugs? I hope so!

  6. I have a small collection of birds nests too. Even some tiny eggs to put in them.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....