mardi 13 avril 2021

The love of vintage transfer ware.

 (Source Pinterest) and my own collection.
Hello Friends, 

Today, I want to show you my transfer ware collection.
I love vintage plates mostly flower, fruits and birds.
These plates are very romantic and I am glad when I find one.
At the moment all the Brocantes are closed, so I think I will have a look on the net to get some new ones.
Mine are at the beginning but some Pinterest have mixed up with mine!

I especially love the last one with roses.
I wish you a nice day. 

8 commentaires:

  1. You showed us a very nice collection. I can not choose, all of them are beautiful. I can not go to the flea market now, but I could buy there some nice plates and cups.

  2. Het is een hele verzameling aan mooi serviesgoed.
    Ik heb in de loop der jaren ook een aardige verzameling, koop nou al jaren niks meer,maar wat ik heb gebruik ik wel bijna dagelijks.
    Ben dol op oude koffie kommen.
    In Nederland noemen we die spoelkommen.

    Lieve groet,

  3. They are pretty, and a fun thing to collect.

  4. I also love pretty dishes with flowers on them.

  5. Even if some are pinterest, you have a great collection. They are so pretty!

  6. that's a huge and very pretty collection, I liked the ones with birds.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....