samedi 10 avril 2021

The wedding day.

Hello Friends  

It was my son’s wedding in September. He suddenly decided to get married in between two lockdowns!

It was a very simple wedding has I had one month to prepare it just before I had my spine cord surgery! But in fact no time to stress about going to hospital.

I manage to organise everything not knowing if they could come if their Covid test was positive.

I ordered everything and the shop have been waiting until they landed in France to start preparing. I thanked them very much it was very nice of them.

Then I decided to do it outside, the weather Bering fine and warm end of August and having the 92 grandmother not to be contaminated.

As we were allowed to 10 people and that my daughter in law had not her family nor her parents on her wedding day because she is from Moldova and the frontiers were closed it was difficult time when I had to hold the camera for her parents to see her wedding with the Lord Mayor as I could see the sadness on her parents faces.

This is why I had the idea of the horse carriage to make a good souvenir for her.

I managed to decorate everything myself.

On the wedding day, it was raining and SO cold that by the end of the meal we had our coats on!

The grandmother had two coats and a blanket on her shoulders!

But this was a memorable day!

They will have another wedding at church this time in Moldova.

I wish you a nice Sunday.   

Video from Iceland sent by my son just arrived

I thought you might be interested

8 commentaires:

  1. Beautiful photos! I studied all of them.:)

  2. Lovely pictures, pretty new daughter in law!

  3. Fantastische bruiloft in intieme kring.
    Je zoon en schoondochter hebben het getroffen met zo'n lieve creatieve mama die er iets feestelijks van wist te maken.

    Moest even denken aan de trouwerij van onze Maxima en Willem-Alexander waarbij haar ouders uit Argentinie niet bij konden zijn door allerlei (politieken) omstandigheden,de tranenvloed van de bruid spraken boekdelen over het gemis.
    Voor je schoondochter moet het gemis van haar ouders ook zwaar geweest zijn.

    Lieve groet,

  4. Alles gaat anders dan normaal. Heel erg jammer dat de familie er niet bij kon zijn. Het ziet er toch mooi en feestelijk uit.

  5. It was a beautiful wedding, so nice decorated. It has been a difficult time to arrange such things. It was good they could come and I am sure it became a valuable memory for them.

  6. What a beautiful wedding in the time of Covid. The flowers are so pretty - that is my favourite shade of pink. The carriage idea is so very romantic and a wonderful remembrance for the couple. We have to do so many things differently now, don't we?
    Iceland looks cold! (other than for the very hot lava)

  7. Such lovely pictures. It is amazing that you organized the wedding in such a short time. Too bad about the cold weather though.

  8. It was a beautiful and classy wedding! The decor was so pretty and those roses a lovely shade of pink. It's sad her parents couldn't be there.


Waiting and preparing a break.

Hello Friends ! Do you recognise the place and the land? In Europe…Belgium and town Bruges. This is why I will be off my blog for some days....